Best LSAT Prep Company for a Private Tutor. Forum

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Best LSAT Prep Company for a Private Tutor.

Post by lillawyer2 » Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:54 am

I am not confident that I can do it on my own. I just cannot focus long enough on the LSAT without getting up, suffering a migraine, getting frustrated or trying to figure out a way to bypass taking the LSAT. I am usually able to understand and learn things quickly. When my brain can't wrap itself around a concept, I shut down and want to run away, because its embarrassing and rarely happens.

I feel like i'd benefit from a private tutor. Someone to constantly engage with me and only me. This would keep me focused, and engaged in the material.

I really need help. I tried studying this morning. I didn't understand this one game, I just wanted to scream and burn a house done (not serious, but there was rage). I couldn't stay focused in the explanation and just got up and walked around the office and got some tea.

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