Started prep course, having trouble with some material Forum

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Started prep course, having trouble with some material

Post by Consigliere3 » Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:48 pm

So I started taking a prep course by a well known company. Took my first practice test and got a 131.

Most of the concepts don't seem to compute to me.

Have been studying and when I think I got the right answer, it turns out wrong.

Have been using their online resources for studying as well as the book they provided.

As of now, 1 week in, Logic games are a total loss to me.

Not looking to get a 160 or a170, just want to get a mark that will make me admissible.

Best to hire a tutor?

Just want to gain the skills that are needed to shoot my score up to the 150ish range.

I have some graduate degrees, so it's not that I'm a stranger to studying and homework.

But it seems that I'm at a loss here.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

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Re: Started prep course, having trouble with some material

Post by LawsRUs » Mon Jul 27, 2015 5:00 am

Your diagnostic doesn't mean shit, but I do think that you need to aim higher. Getting 160+ is absolutely doable with some self-studying with the right methods for reviewing and drilling, but if you have the resources to hire a tutor, you might want to do so to reach your goal PT range sooner.

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