RC analogous situation question- general and specific Forum

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RC analogous situation question- general and specific

Post by Louis1127 » Sun May 25, 2014 8:37 pm

My question is: On RC "which of the following situations is most closely analogous to the situation described [somewhere in the passage]" questions, can the analogous terms be reversed?

For example, PT 11-S3-P2 "Dahl and democracies"

We are looking for a situation that is most analogous to pluralist democracies as they are described in relation to democratic principles of political equality.

Here's my Pre- Question Analysis:

Pluralist democracies are the closest match to political equality, even though they are not a perfect match, so we are looking for that in an answer choice.

I eliminated answer choice (B), which is the correct answer, because pluralist democracies (the term the question was asking about) does not have anything that is incapable of captured by anything.

The correct analysis, which I found on the Manhattan forum, is that the range of tonality (or the thing that cannot be captured) = the principle of equality and that all the instruments incapable of matching its tonality = pluralist democracies.

This analysis involves switching what the question is talking about.

Do you see what I'm saying? The question asked which one of the following is most analogous to PLURALIST DEMOCRACIES as they are described IN RELATION TO the democratic principle of equality.

So for (B) to be correct, it SHOULD say something like: "A musical score that cannot completely capture the tonal range of a musical instrument" because pluralist democracies cannot fully capture the range of political equality.

Instead the correct answer switches the terms around. Should I take this to be OK for these types of questions?

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