67 RC Passage Questions Forum

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67 RC Passage Questions

Post by sdwarrior403 » Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:05 pm

For the second passage, I had a difficult time with #14. I felt that this answer choice of B is way too general. We know that Nisa did this, and presumable the Kung, but is it not a stretch to say that this is what people do?

For the third passage, #18, I had a difficult time between A and B.

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Re: 67 RC Passage Questions

Post by SumStalwart » Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:00 pm

Both of the questions that you are addressing are a bit tricky.

1) The reason why it is B is because of the context. The author is talking about how people, in general do not have a recognizable structure, and then follows up with that quote. I agree that the quote is pretty lame, but given the context of it, the meaning can be inferred.

2) Passage B was discussing how the loss of species isn't due to the introduction of exotic animals, but because of human pollution etc... Answer choice "A" addresses a laissez-faire attitude, when Passage B wasn't at all. Instead, it was about how the introduction of new species is not necessarily detrimental-- much like answer "B."

Does this help explain those two questions a bit more?

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