sufficient and necessary flaws Forum

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sufficient and necessary flaws

Post by Fianna13 » Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:54 pm

I always stop and waste a lot of time thinking and wrongfully trying to match the sufficient and necessary flaw answer to the argument in the stimulus often when there isnt one. Anyone has any idea how to avoid this? Should I only think about this flaw when there is a clear conditional statement or causal reasoning in the argument?

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Re: sufficient and necessary flaws

Post by gaud » Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:03 am

Here's some pure gold that should help you out:

bp shinners

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Re: sufficient and necessary flaws

Post by bp shinners » Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:52 pm

Fianna13 wrote:Should I only think about this flaw when there is a clear conditional statement or causal reasoning in the argument?
Always find the flaw in the argument. Then, find the answer choices that have to do with that flaw. Then, compare those answer choices to figure out which one is sufficient or necessary, depending on the question.

Honestly, I'm a little confused by what you're doing from your post. Can you clarify a bit?

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