Hey all ... I'm working through the Manhattan LSAT Guide right now and on p. 92 #3 a rule expressly states:
"The flight that departs first is not bound for Japan"
Since (rule 1) No flight bound for Germany can depart until at least one flight bound for Japan has departed,
Isn't the only remaining option for slot 1 out of F,G, and J going to be F?
In the answer key it indicates with a J/F in slot 1 that J can go there, but as I just cited in rule 4, the first flight is NOT bound for Japan. Am I confused here, or this a misprint?
And because I don't want to flood LSAT Prep, I want to ask: why the hell am I having such trouble with the 3D Numbered Ordering Games in Manhattan LSAT? I haven't had this much trouble in a long time with "Advanced Linear" games
Edit2: Is the game on p 109 supposed to be insanely hard? This is one of those times that LSAT studying has driven me crazy, I literally have no idea how to approach this. The game appears to be based mainly on deductions that I will never be able to make ... gah. For example, the explanations say "if exactly two suspects confess after T, well then W must come after T, right?" How would I know this? The only rule relating to W says that no suspects confessed after W was questioned, and they make sure to mention this doesn't imply W confessed. There is nothing to indicate there's a certain lower thresholds of confessions that must occur, so why would I think that W must come after T?
Manhattan LSAT Logic Games Guide P. 92 (+General Question) Forum
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Re: Manhattan LSAT Logic Games Guide P. 92 (+General Question)
Hey M.M. For page 92- you're right. The slash is actually through the J as you hope (not J/F)-- the printing had it shift down a bit. It's been fixed in the upcoming printing.M.M. wrote:Hey all ... I'm working through the Manhattan LSAT Guide right now and on p. 92 #3 a rule expressly states:
"The flight that departs first is not bound for Japan"
Since (rule 1) No flight bound for Germany can depart until at least one flight bound for Japan has departed,
Isn't the only remaining option for slot 1 out of F,G, and J going to be F?
In the answer key it indicates with a J/F in slot 1 that J can go there, but as I just cited in rule 4, the first flight is NOT bound for Japan. Am I confused here, or this a misprint?
And because I don't want to flood LSAT Prep, I want to ask: why the hell am I having such trouble with the 3D Numbered Ordering Games in Manhattan LSAT? I haven't had this much trouble in a long time with "Advanced Linear" games
Edit2: Is the game on p 109 supposed to be insanely hard? This is one of those times that LSAT studying has driven me crazy, I literally have no idea how to approach this. The game appears to be based mainly on deductions that I will never be able to make ... gah. For example, the explanations say "if exactly two suspects confess after T, well then W must come after T, right?" How would I know this? The only rule relating to W says that no suspects confessed after W was questioned, and they make sure to mention this doesn't imply W confessed. There is nothing to indicate there's a certain lower thresholds of confessions that must occur, so why would I think that W must come after T?
As for struggling with 3D Ordering games, I'd put the drills and games we've written in that chapter on the hard side of the spectrum. While we don't want to make our books so hard that they cause mental breakdowns, we often err on the side of more difficult when coming up with drills as we'd rather folks find the real LSAT easier than their practice than vice versa.
In terms of the confessions game inferences, I wouldn't say it's an insane game. Figure it out now (I'll help in a moment), replay it right away, and then return to it in a week to "seal in the juices."
Before you keep reading, I bet you can figure out why W can't go in slot 4 or 5 by trying to do it -- you'll probably see the issue that way.
Figured it out?
If not, here's another explanation of that part of the diagram: First off, since S must follow W, we know that S is a non-confessor since nobody confesses after W. Now, with T coming 3rd, a non-confessor 4th, and two folks confessing after T (so in slots 5-7), we're going to need to push W and S to be the back of the line. We can't have W earlier, in 5, for example, since that means that there will be a confessor after it (with only 3 slots for those two C's, they're either CCN, CNC, or NCC, and only the first one works in terms of allowing W to have no C's after it). So, now we have W and S in 6 and 7, with C and N atop them respectively. We need one more C after T, which must be slot 5.