Scoring Breakdown By Section-How/How Much Does It Matter? Forum

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Scoring Breakdown By Section-How/How Much Does It Matter?

Post by Pomplemouse » Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:15 pm

Hi TLSers,

Long time troller, first time poster.

Recently took the June 2012 LSAT and would like your advice about if and how to draw attention to my scoring breakdown on applications. Specifically, I bombed the LG section (-8), and didn't do so hot on the RC, but scored 100% on both LR sections, ending up with a 169. Would the discrepancies between sections be looked upon as a positive, negative or non factor?

During my 6 months of practice, I was scoring -1, 2 or 3 per section, with no obvious "weak" section. This was under timed conditions, and my average was 171, with timed scores ranging from 168-176. Not sure what happened on the exam, but I was rushing through RC/LGs like crazy and ran out of time on both. Test anxiety is a big problem for me-am not one of those people who is a naturally super smart good test taker.

With this in mind, would you retake? Have a +4.0 GPA from one of the top undergrad business schools (A+s count as 4.3), work experience at major companies, good recs, extracurriculars etc. Aiming for a top 14 LS.

Thanks in advance for your advice!

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Re: Scoring Breakdown By Section-How/How Much Does It Matter?

Post by Stupe » Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:29 pm

I think most here will say retake beyond a doubt. With a PT average of 171 now, and a 169 under your belt, AND a 4.0 GPA, there's no reason why you shouldn't be shooting for a 173+ and HYS. With a 169 and a 4.0, you could get quite a few acceptances from T-14 already (and probably with $$), but really you should be going for the T3 at this point. The general consensus around here is to never, ever waste a 4.0 GPA. Good luck!

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Re: Scoring Breakdown By Section-How/How Much Does It Matter?

Post by Nova » Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:01 pm

The descrpency is a non factor. Obviously you should retake.

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Re: Scoring Breakdown By Section-How/How Much Does It Matter?

Post by CardozoLaw09 » Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:26 pm

Test anxiety is a "big" problem and yet you have a 4.0+ GPA? How? lol

Definitely re-take, I think this administration's L/G threw almost everyone off so no need to be discouraged from your poor showing.

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Re: Scoring Breakdown By Section-How/How Much Does It Matter?

Post by JamMasterJ » Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:34 pm

Pomplemouse wrote:Hi TLSers,

Long time troller, first time poster.

Recently took the June 2012 LSAT and would like your advice about if and how to draw attention to my scoring breakdown on applications. Specifically, I bombed the LG section (-8), and didn't do so hot on the RC, but scored 100% on both LR sections, ending up with a 169. Would the discrepancies between sections be looked upon as a positive, negative or non factor?

During my 6 months of practice, I was scoring -1, 2 or 3 per section, with no obvious "weak" section. This was under timed conditions, and my average was 171, with timed scores ranging from 168-176. Not sure what happened on the exam, but I was rushing through RC/LGs like crazy and ran out of time on both. Test anxiety is a big problem for me-am not one of those people who is a naturally super smart good test taker.

With this in mind, would you retake? Have a +4.0 GPA from one of the top undergrad business schools (A+s count as 4.3), work experience at major companies, good recs, extracurriculars etc. Aiming for a top 14 LS.

Thanks in advance for your advice!
first, the bolded part doesn't matter. The schools don't see your section breakdown.
Second, retaking is probably the right call. I think people that have issues with test anxiety are likely to do a bit better simply because they aren't going in blind the second time. There's a huge difference between PTs and the real test, and experiencing it can have a very positive effect the second time around.

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Re: Scoring Breakdown By Section-How/How Much Does It Matter?

Post by sabanist » Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:37 pm

CardozoLaw09 wrote:Definitely re-take, I think this administration's L/G threw almost everyone off so no need to be discouraged from your poor showing.
This. I'm usually -0/1 but the recent trend toward fewer global questions and more hypotheticals - which I'm terribly slow at - threw me and made me guess on a few at the end.

I'm +4.0 too, made a 170, and I'm retaking after missing 2/3 across the board. Worst case scenario for the pair of us is that we do worse, but look on the bright side: Chicago takes the highest score. :)
Good luck, and I hope whatever decision you make is the best one for you.


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Re: Scoring Breakdown By Section-How/How Much Does It Matter?

Post by dixon02 » Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:45 pm

Pomplemouse wrote:Hi TLSers,

Long time troller, first time poster.

Recently took the June 2012 LSAT and would like your advice about if and how to draw attention to my scoring breakdown on applications. Specifically, I bombed the LG section (-8), and didn't do so hot on the RC, but scored 100% on both LR sections, ending up with a 169. Would the discrepancies between sections be looked upon as a positive, negative or non factor?

During my 6 months of practice, I was scoring -1, 2 or 3 per section, with no obvious "weak" section. This was under timed conditions, and my average was 171, with timed scores ranging from 168-176. Not sure what happened on the exam, but I was rushing through RC/LGs like crazy and ran out of time on both. Test anxiety is a big problem for me-am not one of those people who is a naturally super smart good test taker.

With this in mind, would you retake? Have a +4.0 GPA from one of the top undergrad business schools (A+s count as 4.3), work experience at major companies, good recs, extracurriculars etc. Aiming for a top 14 LS.

Thanks in advance for your advice!
Are you asking if law schools will look at the section breakdown of your LSAT? If so, I doubt any law school admissions committee has ever done that in the history of ever. That would never happen.

But yeah, retake. You're already in good shape for T14, but with that kind of resume every point you get is one point closer to Harvard, Stanford, or Yale and/or larger scholarships.


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Re: Scoring Breakdown By Section-How/How Much Does It Matter?

Post by omegaomega » Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:43 pm

sabanist wrote:This. I'm usually -0/1 but the recent trend toward fewer global questions and more hypotheticals - which I'm terribly slow at - threw me and made me guess on a few at the end.
Exactly the same situation here. Drawing out the hypotheticals to eliminate four answers is just unbearable under test conditions.

Have you found any solutions? Maybe velocity can help?

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Re: Scoring Breakdown By Section-How/How Much Does It Matter?

Post by sabanist » Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:08 pm

omegaomega wrote:Exactly the same situation here. Drawing out the hypotheticals to eliminate four answers is just unbearable under test conditions.

Have you found any solutions? Maybe velocity can help?
Using the identify the possibilities methods speeds things up a lot for me. Other than that, it's just practice, or making "smart" hypotheticals by trying to test as many answers as possible in a single one.
I haven't tried velocity, but I've heard great things about it increasing people's speed.

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Re: Scoring Breakdown By Section-How/How Much Does It Matter?

Post by omegaomega » Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:54 pm

sabanist wrote:
omegaomega wrote:Exactly the same situation here. Drawing out the hypotheticals to eliminate four answers is just unbearable under test conditions.

Have you found any solutions? Maybe velocity can help?
Using the identify the possibilities methods speeds things up a lot for me. Other than that, it's just practice, or making "smart" hypotheticals by trying to test as many answers as possible in a single one.
I haven't tried velocity, but I've heard great things about it increasing people's speed.
thanks. good luck on your prep!


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Re: Scoring Breakdown By Section-How/How Much Does It Matter?

Post by shntn » Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:51 am

dixon02 wrote:
But yeah, retake. You're already in good shape for T14, but with that kind of resume every point you get is one point closer to Harvard, Stanford, or Yale and/or larger scholarships.


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Re: Scoring Breakdown By Section-How/How Much Does It Matter?

Post by JohnV » Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:12 pm


...Have a +4.0 GPA from one of the top undergrad business schools (A+s count as 4.3)...quote]

Uhg, lucky you... my school switched to +/- the year I transferred over so now I frequently get A-'s (or endure a lot of stress and work to keep my grade above a 94) which is conviniently weighted just below (or significantly at the top schools) schools GPA medians at 3.67. Would be nice if I was able to offset that with an A+ but my school doesn't do that for what ever reason. Oh well.

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