Logic Game Timing Compilation Forum

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Logic Game Timing Compilation

Post by bdeebs » Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:24 am

When I was learning logic games, I searched briefly for a source that gave times for individual games in order to gauge whether I was on the right track or not. My reasoning was that since difficulty can vary so much from game to game, I wasn't satisfied with the knowledge that I finished a game in under 8 minutes if I thought it might possibly be done in 5 (but wasn't sure). I was also not sure when to be seriously worried that a game took 12-15 minutes...was it a particularly difficult game or was this revealing some hideous flaw in my games approach? I didn't personally find such a source, so I'm starting one. If there is already a thread like this, could someone point me to it? I did a half-hearted forum search and didn't really see anything. I'm intending this mainly to be a resource for someone who has a solid grasp of the fundamental concepts of logic games and is looking to fine tune their timing.

This thread includes times for individual games that a competent test taker could expect to achieve. I don't claim to be a logic games wizard, but I'm proficient enough that when I took the most recent 10 practices tests under timed conditions, I got -0 on 8/10 of the sections. Because I didn't keep track of times for individual games as I was doing them for the first time, the times I'll list are my second time doing them at least a month after taking them the first time. I don't think this had a significant impact on the times listed for most games. My approach was exactly the same as when I took it the first time (ex. for "could be true" questions I didn't remember the answers well enough to just go to the answer I knew to be true, diagram that hypothetical, and move on), and I didn't try to go any faster than I would in a real test situation. There are maybe 1 or 2 games that tripped me up a bit the first time (dinosaurs, etc.) that may have taken a couple minutes longer the first time through. I typically have 5-10 minutes after I finish my last game to review, so the total time represented below seems about right. I hope others that have this sort of data will add their times so we can have a more representative sampling of times.

Format- PT: game 1 time, game 2 time, game 3 time, game 4 time--total time (these times do not include bubbling, which typically takes about a minute).

PT54: 4:54, 8:10, 7:45, 9:27-- 30:16
PT55: 6:57, 6:48, 6:19, 11:13-- 31:17
PT56: 4:58, 5:21, 4:40, 11:42-- 26:31
PT57: 2:47, 7:35, 10:52, 9:26-- 30:40
PT58: 6:25, 5:50, 4:35, 8:45-- 25:35 (I forgot a rule in game 1 so it could probably be done a minute or two faster)
PT59: 4:57, 5:30, 9:35, 7:40-- 27:42
PT60: 5:20, 4:10, 4:04, 9:40-- 23:14
PT61: 4:35, 5:50, X, 10:22-- ?? I used the third game as warm up before I went into my test and did not time it.

I'll try to update this periodically.


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Re: Logic Game Timing Compilation

Post by mcs268 » Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:15 pm

I noticed for your fourth games, they are almost consistently longer than the others. Is this simply because you know not to rush the game when you have enough time left, or have you found the problems are actually more difficult?

Reason I'm asking is that i usually find the 2nd or 3rd games the most challenging and 4th the easiest - yet I'm only up to 1999 tests so I'm not sure if the logic game difficulties have changed.

Thanks! (and great idea)


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Re: Logic Game Timing Compilation

Post by 03152016 » Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:24 pm

Last edited by 03152016 on Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Logic Game Timing Compilation

Post by bdeebs » Sat Jun 16, 2012 1:51 pm

mcs268 wrote:I noticed for your fourth games, they are almost consistently longer than the others. Is this simply because you know not to rush the game when you have enough time left, or have you found the problems are actually more difficult?

Reason I'm asking is that i usually find the 2nd or 3rd games the most challenging and 4th the easiest - yet I'm only up to 1999 tests so I'm not sure if the logic game difficulties have changed.

Thanks! (and great idea)
I certainly didn't intend to slow down. I'd say it's more a manifestation of my particular strengths/weaknesses as a test taker. I am very good with the simpler/more common games (duh, right?). The inferences come easily, and I can almost do everything in my head. Writing the hypotheticals down on paper is pretty much a confirmation of what I already know in order to help me avoid mistakes. Because of these faster times, I was never really required to truly master the more intricate games. I just had enough time gained from the simpler games that I was able to brute force my way through the more complicated games with a reasonable but incomplete understanding of the relationship between the rules.

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