I have just begun learning about the type of examination lsat is and have just bought the official superprep guide. I want to take a diagnostic test without any preparation and only found one free princeton review diagnostic test online.
Which is the best diagnostic test to take as the starting point?
Which diagnostic test? Forum
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Re: Which diagnostic test?
Thanks, I plan to take the diagnostic soon.VasaVasori wrote:take SPA (the first test) in the superprep guide or print off LSAC's free practice test from http://www.lsac.org/jd/pdfs/SamplePTJune.pdf
There is a large array of prep books discussed in the forums.
I have already ordered
a) powerscore -logical games bible
b) powerscore - logical reasoning bible
c) superprep official guide
If you had to have a core set of books to prep from, anything else one should add to the above?
I was also confused by Kaplan mastery discussed in http://www.top-law-schools.com/forums/v ... =6&t=41657. Does it refer to multiple kaplan mastery books or a single book?