Prep Advice Forum

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Prep Advice

Post by jpuckett163 » Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:40 am

So last month I took a timed diagnostic at Kaplan. It was my first time ever looking at the LSAT and I got 161. The breakdown was according to Kaplan's report 87% of the logical reasoning and 85% of the reading comp correct and a horrible 43% correct on the logic games section. I had no strategy for the games and had never even heard of any of the diagramming techniques. Ive since studied strictly for the games section although not very much since I am in school full time work full time as a firefighter and have 3 kids. I now complete all of the games i try missing at most 1 question. I know I need to work on my timing next and shave a min or two off of each game. Any other suggestions Im also reading the manhattan reasoning and reading comp books on my kindle.


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Re: Prep Advice

Post by Alan » Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:04 pm

I think its importaint to "bank" time. There are typically two easy/median games and two difficult games. Try finishing the easy games in 5-7 minutes so that you have 10 minutes to solve the tougher ones.

bp shinners

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Re: Prep Advice

Post by bp shinners » Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:36 am

It's also really, really easy to spin your wheels on games. You'll be writing a lot, but it won't be getting you any closer to a correct answer. Have a method for tackling each type of question and stick to it. Also, while working through a game, look back at your work and see if you did anything that didn't help you eventually get to a correct answer.

Also, finally, work towards the right answer, not towards the elimination of wrong answers (at least, when it's appropriate - MBT questions, for instance). Eliminating 4 answers takes much longer than just getting to the correct answer.

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