June LSAT Prep Advice Forum

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June LSAT Prep Advice

Post by wisconsin2dc » Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:04 pm

I am retaking in June, I took in February but mis-bubbled and had to cancel. I was practicing anywhere from 170-174 usually with 1 175 and 1 176. I have gone through almost all of the practice tests minus about 4 or 5 of the ones in the 30's. Since I have a few months left I though I should try to improve and get as close to a 180 as possible. Any study tips? I usually get the games all correct, RC between -2 and -4 and LR between -3 and -5. Is my best bet just going through the LSAT bibles? Any help would be appreciated.

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Geetar Man

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Re: June LSAT Prep Advice

Post by Geetar Man » Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:12 pm

http://www.top-law-schools.com/forums/v ... 6&t=150072


It sounds like you're already at a good place where you just need maintenance. Do PTs while practicing bubbling, that way it doesnt happen again.


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Re: June LSAT Prep Advice

Post by Jeffort » Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:38 pm

wisconsin2dc wrote:I am retaking in June, I took in February but mis-bubbled and had to cancel. I was practicing anywhere from 170-174 usually with 1 175 and 1 176. I have gone through almost all of the practice tests minus about 4 or 5 of the ones in the 30's. Since I have a few months left I though I should try to improve and get as close to a 180 as possible. Any study tips? I usually get the games all correct, RC between -2 and -4 and LR between -3 and -5. Is my best bet just going through the LSAT bibles? Any help would be appreciated.
If you were consistently scoring 170-174 on fresh tests under strict timed conditions, then you just need to do maintenance to stay in LSAT mode. Also, consider taking a week or two away from LSAT since there is plenty of time until the June test. Things look clearer once you take a little time away from them and then look again with fresh eyes.

Also, FYI, if your misbubble mistake was misgridding, meaning you offset a chunk of answer choices by one row and knew roughly where it happened, you should have requested LSAC handscore your answer sheet and told them where you messed up. If your description matches up to what is on the answer sheet so that it is pretty obvious, they usually will fix that for you. Unfortunately it is too late to seek that remedy now.

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