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Post by sportgirl234 » Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:41 pm

I have gotten 166 for the past 5 exams I have taken all with -9 to -11 curves but i can't break into the 170's. each time something different falters and i have ranged from -6 to -11 on lr and -0 to -5 on games. I know I am capable of doing so but I am unsure of what is missing. I am drilling assumption questions and weakening questions but still that is where I am doing my worst. has anyone been in a similar situation or have any advice? I really appreciate it.

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Re: frustrated

Post by bigtexmex » Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:07 am

sportgirl234 wrote:I have gotten 166 for the past 5 exams I have taken all with -9 to -11 curves but i can't break into the 170's. each time something different falters and i have ranged from -6 to -11 on lr and -0 to -5 on games. I know I am capable of doing so but I am unsure of what is missing. I am drilling assumption questions and weakening questions but still that is where I am doing my worst. has anyone been in a similar situation or have any advice? I really appreciate it.
Games is the easiest to improve. Just get the LG Bible or some other comparable book. Velocity LSAT is actually what I'm using, and it has been much more helpful than anything I had used.

As for the LR, just keep drilling and figuring out why you are getting them wrong. Take breaks to avoid burning out. I would suggest a nice break every few hours where you do something that you like that can distract you for a bit.

Actually, one thing I did was to stop scoring myself. I peaked at 168 a month ago, but have yet to actually figure out what my score was on the most recent PTs (54-56). I realized that if I obsess over the score, I actually do worse. So, I have mostly focused on doing well, and reviewing mistakes. It seems to help me be quicker and more efficient as I am not nervous about whether or not my scores are improving, which I know they are anyway, since I'm down to -0 on LG, -0 to -4 on RC (and I mostly just skim each passage for now since I'm not really worried about this section), and about -6 or -7 total for both LR sections. I don't know if I should recommend that to anyone, but it has helped me.

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Re: frustrated

Post by JamMasterJ » Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:10 am

drill more, broken down by question type. If you're wildly inconsistent, you need to be drilling at ton

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