Going from 160 to 165, possible? Forum

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Going from 160 to 165, possible?

Post by JDWannabe » Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:41 am

Haven't posted on this site in awhile (about a year) but I figured I'd reach out to the smart folks here at TLS for advice as I'm planning on retaking the LSAT in June 2012. I've already taken the LSAT once (Oct 2010) and got a 160 (74/101 raw score). I was fairly satisfied with this score given my horrible 141 cold diagnostic and PT range (high 150s-low 160s), but I also realize that a 5-point bump will open more doors and give me a shot at some $$ at the Tier 2 schools I plan on applying to.

My prep leading up to the Oct 2010 was a Princeton Review class (6 timed, proctored exams) and a few prep tests (maybe 4-5) on my own. After seeing the prep that many TLSers have done, I feel like I can do a lot more leading up to the June test.

For those who went from 160 to 165 or had a similar jump, what was your approach? The study guides on Lsat blog look pretty solid, anyone have any experience with those?


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Re: Going from 160 to 165, possible?

Post by LawSchoolGuru » Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:48 am

4-5 prep tests is definitely not enough study and that 160 is not indicative of what you are capable of. buy/finish some more practice tests from amazon 50-61, 62, 63, and 64 (once it comes out) at the very least. you will see a bigger increase in your score if you can review both right and wrong answers and see the difference between them.

oh, and buy powerscore bibles if you haven't already. good luck!


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Re: Going from 160 to 165, possible?

Post by Seneca » Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:06 am

Yes, very possible. I saw a 10+ jump from my diagnostic (around 160) to my test day score. I've seen the lsat blog guide, and it looked like it could be successful, but I have no personal experience with it myself. Check out some of the recommended study guides on this site and read through some articles by high-scorers to determine which blend of techniques will work best for you. You've got plenty of time, and there's no reason to think that you can't raise your score to 17x. Good luck!


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Re: Going from 160 to 165, possible?

Post by JDWannabe » Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:27 am

Thanks for the replies/advice. I would LOVE to get a 170, but that seems at bit ambitious atm. Maybe after I progress in my prep I'll see if it's possible. For now though, 165 is the goal. All I really need is to get ~2 more questions right in each section and I'm there. It's been over a year since I've done any kind of LSAT prep, so I'll essentially be starting from scratch, but I'm fairly confident I can re-teach myself whatever I've forgotten. I'm also out of undergrad now, so I'll have a lot more time to devote to LSAT prep than I did prior to the Oct 2010 exam.

My biggest problem is the time limit. I've always been a slow test-taker, esp. on LG. I could never get through all 4, and even the easier games took me ~10 mins to finish. I'm hoping this improves with practice and repetition (I'm sure it will), but are there any other techniques to improve speed on LG?

One more (sort of unrelated) question: Would a 5+ point increase require an addendum?

Sorry for asking so many questions, but I'm fairly new to whole self-study methodology.

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Re: Going from 160 to 165, possible?

Post by lulzalicious » Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:35 am

You can totally do that, and better. Biggest plus is you have TIME. Get the Powerscore Bibles or Manhattans guides and try out this study plan or at least use some his methods (repeating games multiple times, reviewing PTs each answer choice etc.) : PithyPikes Studyguide

For reading comp Id recommend Manhattans guide, not Powerscores :)

Also, check this thread for some really good tips from the VelocityLSAT guy.


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Re: Going from 160 to 165, possible?

Post by rivermaker » Mon Oct 17, 2011 6:27 am

aim high

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Re: Going from 160 to 165, possible?

Post by cogitoergosum » Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:32 am

160-165 is very possible. With the right practice, higher.

I had a situation like you, scored 165 last year, thought I could do better, spent the summer prepping. After my first month or so of prep I was consistently in the 170's, and by test day, my average pt score across the whole summer was 174.5.

My advice would be this... take lots of pt's (I took about 50) under standard timed conditions. After each test, review what you got wrong, and perhaps what you got right, depending on how much patience you have. This will do a lot for your timing and confidence. Start competing with yourself. After each score, go on LSN and try to get an idea of what that most recent score would do for your admissions and scholarship decisions. Think about about the difference a better JD and lower debt will make for accomplishing your goals, for your future family etc. While this might sound intense and dramatic to some, I think this is what kept me interested in the test, which is REALLY key in my opinion. When this isn't working and you start feeling burnt out, as you will, take a break, then after a few days start looking at schools. Look at your reaches and targets and safeties and note the differences in opportunities. This was usually enough to put me right back in the hunt.

I would suggest this as a primary means of test prep for someone like you who already has an understanding of the test. Augment this with books in your weak sections. I did Powerscore LG and Manhattan RC, not sure what the best is for LR.

The last thing I will suggest is getting a few close friends or family members involved. I shared my test prep with my wife, my parents, and my best friend, explaining to them at the onset what a 5-point LSAT increase could do for me, and how incredibly important October 1st was to me. They were with me the whole way, impressed when I called them to report a couple 180's, and talking me off the ledge a few times after I had disappointing scores. This was another thing that kept me in the game.

Like most people will tell you, the LSAT is really learnable, and if you get seriously into it, like the way you're into other things you genuinely care about, you'll naturally start getting really good at it. The hardest part is cultivating that genuine interest.

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Re: Going from 160 to 165, possible?

Post by mattviphky » Mon Oct 17, 2011 9:37 am

With all this time and untouched pts at your disposal, i think it is very likely for you to get a 170+

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