LSAT Test Explanations Forum

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Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:06 pm

LSAT Test Explanations

Post by sarahjane10 » Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:21 am

So I've started drilling actual lsat problems from previous preptests in my studying for the December lsat (as advised from pithypike's study guide) but I'm wondering if anyone can tell me of either a good website or book where I can find explanations of why the answers are/aren't correct for all of the actual lsat tests? Basically something along the lines of how prep books do at the end of a section when they give you problems to review and then tell you why the answers are right or not. When I'm reviewing the answers I chose I feel like it would be more helpful to know why the answer is correct and why the others aren't especially on the ones I've missed. So I'm just wondering if there is a certain book out there that I can buy that will have all the explanations in it just laid out in front of me. I've searched through the forum but couldn't find any recommendations for one. Also I'd appreciate any tips for a thorough daily study schedule. I'm trying to raise my score by at least ten points so I'm trying to find the most effective means of studying as not to waste any time and I need a little guidance as to a strict study schedule. Thanks.

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