Quick Question about PT 35 LG #3 Forum

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Quick Question about PT 35 LG #3

Post by locthebloke » Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:48 pm

I got all the questions right, but on number 13., how couldn't it be true that H2 is empty even though A is the answer (which I understand could be true)?

g S R Q

h U _ T

Why doesn't this work? T and U are in H by the rules, S an U are both in lower # seats than T, R is in a row with both Q and S (one the other or both) and Robert is in a 2 seat.

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Re: Quick Question about PT 35 LG #3

Post by SA1928 » Sat Sep 10, 2011 10:02 pm

Hi! The reason that H2 cannot be empty is due to the first constraint which states that each member must sit in a seat adjacent to, and in the same row as, at least one other member. So even if U and T are the only ones in row H, T must be seated in seat 2, not 3.

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