bad PT scores Forum

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bad PT scores

Post by thainess » Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:45 am

taking the Oct. Lsat and i keep getting 148 to 152 scores.

I am reading the bibles, is it possible to get to 165-168 range by oct.?

i know this isn't the what are my chances section, but i am shooting for that score because i will most likely be staying in Texas. My GPA after looking at lawschoolpredictor says i have to get like 178+ to get into UTexas With a 3.36 GPA so that would most likely be out of the question


I will be 20years old when i graduate my bachelors in Dec. took 2 and 1/2 years to get my bachelors from a State University (SHSU)

Postpone the test till DEC? or bunker down study hard take the oct LSAT and apply early to those schools

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Re: bad PT scores

Post by northwood » Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:59 am

wait until you are consistently scoring in the range you want to be. RIght now, your scoring range isnt going to get you into the schools you want. You are only 20 years old, soyou hae plenty of time. Find yourself a job or a volunteering gig and do that. You may want to consider postponing until June and taking a prep course- so you can know and be comfortable with the basic strategies and skills. Right now there is too much of a gap in your current score and your target score to make it probable that you will get a 165. Is it possible? Sure, but right now its not probable- and this test is very important.

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bport hopeful

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Re: bad PT scores

Post by bport hopeful » Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:48 am

I would prolly not rush it and force yourself to take in October, unless you are really banging out the scores you want consistently.

Youre really young (an run of the mill 22 year old fresh out of UG is still young at LS), taking time off might not be the worst thing if thats what you need to do.

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