contrapositive LG Forum

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contrapositive LG

Post by senorhosh » Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:57 pm

For grouping games:
Is it safe to assume that 100% of the time, a contrapositive can be made by reversing the arrows and slash marks?

For example:
A --> B (If A is chosen B is chosen)
B --> A (If B is not chosen, A is not chosen)

Or example #2
A --> B (if A is not chosen, B is chosen)
B --> A (If B is not chosen, A is chosen)

Seems like it's been working everytime. Before I start relying on this, are there instances when this is NOT true??

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Re: contrapositive LG

Post by Verity » Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:00 pm

It's always true. It's a logical rule, it's not contingent on the game type.

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Re: contrapositive LG

Post by Campagnolo » Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:00 pm

The contrapositive is always equivalent to the original statement, whether in the games section, the logical reasoning section, or any other time whatever.

Rely on it.

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Re: contrapositive LG

Post by EarlCat » Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:55 pm

Flip, negate, swap "and" and "or."

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Re: contrapositive LG

Post by cogitoergosum » Wed Jun 22, 2011 10:27 pm

I find it helpful to think of it this way:

Example 1:
A-->B: if A occurs, then B must occur

NOT B --> NOT A: If B does not occur, then it is not possible that A occurred (because if A had occurred, then we know from the original conditional statement above that B would have occurred)

Example 2:
A and B --> C: if both A and B occur, then C must occur

NOT C --> NOT A or NOT B (either A or B [or both] must not have occurred, because if both had occurred, then we know from the original conditional statement above that C would have occurred)

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Re: contrapositive LG

Post by joebloe » Thu Jun 23, 2011 11:02 am

Campagnolo wrote:The contrapositive is always equivalent to the original statement, whether in the games section, the logical reasoning section, or any other time whatever.

Rely on it.
This. By the time you hit test day, you should be able to form a contrapositive in your sleep, and should be doing it automatically whenever a question seems to contain logical implications.

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