LR and RC Forum

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LR and RC

Post by jbates14 » Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:58 pm

I just recently started to prepare for the LSAT in which I plan to take either in october or later if I am not prepared. My goal is to get in the 170s and I just finished my first prep test with a score of 160. I have done a couple sections of LG and I never miss more than 4 questions and I figure with practice time I will be able to easily score perfect sections in LG. My problem is that I miss anywhere from 5-10 on each LR and RC section. Mostly everything I have read on here is about people who struggle with games and how they practiced to fix their weak area. My question is for people who struggled with LR and RC sections, what can I do to prepare myself so that I can miss much fewer questions? I have bought the powerscore bibles, but I have not had a chance to read them yet. I also have heard a lot about reading The Economist but it is far too boring to do at this point. Besides practice, is there anything that I can do to get better at these sections?

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Re: LR and RC

Post by KevinP » Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:11 pm

LR - Definitely read the LR bible and make sure to read it slowly. Reread sections that seem unclear. Once you have an understanding of the logic behind the LSAT, start working on accuracy by doing LR sections untimed until you only miss 0-3 per section. Make sure to keep a chart of question types most commonly missed such as Must Be True, Main Point etc and make sure to review every question missed. Know exactly why you missed it; I find writing the question/answer choices helps. Afterwards, work on improving speed by timing yourself and then trying to improve your time until you can do a section in 33-35 minutes depending on how much extra cushion space you want to give yourself in the real deal. Remember, accuracy and then speed.

I'm still messing around with RC so no advice there to give ;/.

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