Reading Comp Help!!!! (June Admin) Forum

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Reading Comp Help!!!! (June Admin)

Post by kurtparrish » Sun May 22, 2011 7:27 pm

I am taking the June LSAT, so I'm starting to get nervous. I've been prepping a considerable amount for the past few months and I've vastly improved my LR and LG scores (-3 to -5ish on each...which I'm pretty happy with).
I should be able to marginally improve these sections before June 6th, but my unbelievably horrendous. -10 to -15 consistently. I NEED A 163+ ON THIS TEST AND RC IS THE ONLY THING HOLDING ME BACK.
My timing I think is one of the issues, as I usually am down to 6 minutes remaining when I start the final passage...but oftentimes I get entire passages wrong that I've taken my time on...and then I'll get 100% on other ones. It's very weird.
Does anyone have any tips? Please? :cry:

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Re: Reading Comp Help!!!! (June Admin)

Post by Strange » Sun May 22, 2011 7:55 pm

Cancel and postpone. No reason to get that many wrong on RC.


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Re: Reading Comp Help!!!! (June Admin)

Post by kurtparrish » Sun May 22, 2011 8:10 pm

Strange wrote:Cancel and postpone. No reason to get that many wrong on RC.
Damn...really? You don't think there's any hope for improvement on RC in two weeks? Granted, I haven't been looking at the RC bible yet at all really.

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Re: Reading Comp Help!!!! (June Admin)

Post by Strange » Sun May 22, 2011 8:13 pm

kurtparrish wrote:
Strange wrote:Cancel and postpone. No reason to get that many wrong on RC.
Damn...really? You don't think there's any hope for improvement on RC in two weeks? Granted, I haven't been looking at the RC bible yet at all really.
I don't find the RC Bible all that helpful. I used the Manhattan RC guide, and I did see improvement in my RC scores but it doesn't happen right away. It takes time as you learn endurance, pacing, techniques. It's not like LG which you can usually see improvements in right away. Unless there's some obvious pattern to what you're getting wrong it may take awhile to get to where you need to be, so the better bet is to give yourself 3-4 months, not 2 weeks


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Re: Reading Comp Help!!!! (June Admin)

Post by accuratesite2020 » Sun May 22, 2011 9:09 pm

If you listened to everyone that responds, you would take and retake this test for the next 3 years. Do 2 sections a day. Focus on timing issues and accuracy. If you can't get through a full section on time and your accuracy is bad, only complete 2 passages for time and see if you are spending too much time marking up passage or too little time really comprehending passage. A big part of RC is focusing on VIEWSTAMP as is the technique described by PS. If you just keep hammering out passages, naturally your time will get better along with accuracy. Also, play around w/ reading the questions quickly before you start reading the passage and/or after each paragraph, take a small breath and capture in your mind (or jot down a 3-5 word description of what the paragraph means). At the very end of the entire passage, reread these notes and mentally get a good grip of what is going on. You will be good to go June 6th. Keep up the awesome work on the LG and LR!

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Re: Reading Comp Help!!!! (June Admin)

Post by minnbills » Sun May 22, 2011 9:31 pm

Try and identify why you struggle on some and nail others. Is it a mindset issue? Do you get tired?

When you read for school, do you have a hard time holding your concentration for an extended period? Try reading a passage and then, without looking at the questions, jot down whatever you can remember. Compare those notes against the passage. What did you miss? Beyond specific details, do you have a hard time remembering specific sets of information like names, support for arguments etc.?


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Re: Reading Comp Help!!!! (June Admin)

Post by kurtparrish » Sun May 22, 2011 11:25 pm


Thanks for the encouragement and the advice! I will definitely play around with those strategies, and focus more on the VIEWSTAMP method. I'm in a Powerscore class right now so maybe the instructor will have more to say on this in the next few classes as well.
Also, how should I do 2 sections of RC a day without using up PT's that I want to do the whole thing of?


I feel that my reading for school, newspapers, magazines, and "for-fun" books all kind of vary. I think I get every answer on the passages that I genuinely understand the background of (social sciences, law-related topics) and blow the passages that are about natural sciences, and sometimes art and literature.
I don't think I'm getting tired. But I have noticed that I tend to do well on the middle sections and poorly on the first and last passages. It may be that I'm nervous at first and rushed at the end? I certainly miss the last 5+ due to timing.

Strange: Though I may be unwise in not heeding your advice of postponing, I did go out and by the Manhattan guide. I'm planning on hammering through it in the next couple days. Thanks for your advice.

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