LSAT curve - who`s in it? Forum

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LSAT curve - who`s in it?

Post by rostovru » Tue May 10, 2011 10:18 pm

I took the LSAT on the Tuesday `Sabbath Observers` session, and wondered if the LSAC designed the curve per test day or test offering. Also, does location play a role in the curve?

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Re: LSAT curve - who`s in it?

Post by northwood » Tue May 10, 2011 10:50 pm

the curve is determined before the test is given out. Dont know if the Sabbath Observers test, or any make up tests ( in the event a testing location has to close ) are disclosed or not- but I do know that all February tests are non disclosed. I think they use old experimental sections to make up these tests, but im not sure.

anyways- if the test is disclosed then you find out what the curve is when you get the score report online. If its not- then you will have to forever guess

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Re: LSAT curve - who`s in it?

Post by BrightLine » Tue May 10, 2011 10:58 pm

1) It is a waste of time to spend too much effort and energy thinking about scoring systems and test equating. Trust that the LSAC has created a fair system or at least trust the fact that if it were unfair, law schools or obsessive test takers (read TLS :) ) would have discovered it. The time is better spent practicing.

2) There is no difference in the way the Saturday and Monday curves are determined. Basically, the "curve" on each administration is predetermined based on how the questions/sections tested on experimental and February LSATS.

3) As far as location, I cannot comment on international tests. But the test that is given nationally is the same everywhere all day but not the same from Saturday to Monday/Tuesday.

The thread from JAN ... it=sabbath

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