Mirror Image in Logic Games (Super PrepTest A Game #3 Forum

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Mirror Image in Logic Games (Super PrepTest A Game #3

Post by secretad » Fri Apr 29, 2011 9:23 pm

This game is a mirror image game and can be quite helpful in eliminating answer choices, as room numbers become interchangeable with each other.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

You have rooms 1 and 7 precluding F and G appearing.
There is a conditional rule of " if VW are next to each other ---> then R has to be beside V as well, so WVR or RVW
And more constraints about who can be or cannot be beside another variable.

Is PrepTest 30, the fourth game, the one with the seven toy-truck models, not a mirror image game because of the block concept?

Do blocks (variables must go in one exact order) preclude the possibility of a mirror image game. I would assume so because the blocks cannot be mirrors of each other.

Are there any other concepts that preclude a mirror image component in games? I know that the diagram needs to be even, as in if you have 5 slots...

_ _ _ _ _

You would have to have a not G in 2 and 4 for it to be a mirror and so forth.

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