Retaking with 169, advice on ways to raise score Forum

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Retaking with 169, advice on ways to raise score

Post by FlipFlopperson » Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:22 pm

When I first got my LSAT score I was completely satisfied with it and had no intentions of retaking it. Unfortunately, I also have a job that allows me to spend far too much time reading the forums on this website. My aspiration to attend a high ranked non t-14 school has started to fell not too well thought out. Slowly I fell out of love with my score and recently decided to retake the test. I was averaging low 170s on pts and hit 169 despite almost having a panic attack on test day and not getting sleep the night before. I feel like I definitely left some points on the table with questionable study habits (ie not going over my answers completely after practice tests). The question types I got wrong (-2LR, -5RC, -6LG) also makes me feel as though I can do better. Can anyone with a similar situation recommend cost effective ways to raise my score those last few points. I've already invested/wasted a ton of money on a kaplan course and used up most of the practice tests available. I still have all 3 books from that course though. Under recommendation from this site, I have already ordered a subscription to the Economist and purchased the Logic Games Bible. Any other suggestions/study methods would be helpful. Good luck to everyone in October.

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Re: Retaking with 169, advice on ways to raise score

Post by KibblesAndVick » Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:36 pm

-2 RC (I'm assuming that's for both sections combined) is very solid. The -5 RC and -6 LG are problematic. Are those numbers representative of your practice tests or was test day abnormal? If they are representative then I would suggest that you work on logic games. Reading comprehension is difficult to improve. There aren't as many tricks and tips as there are for the other sections. IMO it's much more of an innate ability or at least an ability that is learned over a very long time frame.

On the other hand, you can absolutely perfect logic games. They're so much more learnable. Just keep at it and you should be able to bring that -6 to a -2 or better. If you run out of practice tests just start redoing the logic games. If you feel that you're remembering too much you can reword the question. For example instead of "birds in the forest" you can rewrite the problem so that you have "animals on the farm" or something dumb like that. It will be the same logic but it should force you to solve the problem instead of just remembering it.

Also, a lot of people report that they feel more confident and relaxed the second time they take the LSAT. This could work to your favor if you felt stressed and didn't sleep well the first time.

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