Cancelled my score - include LSAC's letter in file? Forum

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Cancelled my score - include LSAC's letter in file?

Post by JJDancer » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:09 pm

I cancelled my score for June because I got sick during the exam. The testing conditions were fine for me except that the proctor called 5 mins when we had 10 left but it didn't cause too much of a problem for me. LSAC is allowing me to include a letter in my file that I had less than optimal testing conditions.

What should I consider when deciding whether to include it or not? I cancelled for my own reason so I feel strange using their letter.
Would the letter not attract attention to the cancellation? Would schools not ask me to explain the problem at the center since the letter would tell them that there was some problem?

(this was a re-take so I have a previous good score to fall back on..)


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Re: Cancelled my score - include LSAC's letter in file?

Post by Cleareyes » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:12 pm

I doubt the letter will matter very much either way. Canceled scores don't seem to be a factor for most schools. You might as well include it if you don't feel some sort of moral obligation not to give the wrong impression because canceled due to not feeling well (The letter just says you had sub-optimal testing conditions and got the option to cancel/retake because of that, right? I mean there's no way LSAC or the schools could know WHY you canceled.) But I doubt letter or no letter will be the reason you get accepted/rejected from a school.

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Jack Smirks

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Re: Cancelled my score - include LSAC's letter in file?

Post by Jack Smirks » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:14 pm

Cleareyes wrote:I doubt the letter will matter very much either way.


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Re: Cancelled my score - include LSAC's letter in file?

Post by JJDancer » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:21 pm

Would Top 20 schools ask for an addendum about a cancellation?
If i didnt have the letter I would explain how I got sick but if it doesnt matter than I would just include the letter so I wouldnt need to address it again in an addendum..

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Jack Smirks

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Re: Cancelled my score - include LSAC's letter in file?

Post by Jack Smirks » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:23 pm

Do you plan on doing an addendum for the cancellation?

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Re: Cancelled my score - include LSAC's letter in file?

Post by JJDancer » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:27 pm

naterj wrote:Do you plan on doing an addendum for the cancellation?
Do top20 schools generally ask for one?
I would write an addendum if there was no letter.
But if I just had the letter then I see no reason to write one?

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Re: Cancelled my score - include LSAC's letter in file?

Post by Cleareyes » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:30 pm

JJDancer wrote:Would Top 20 schools ask for an addendum about a cancellation?
If i didnt have the letter I would explain how I got sick but if it doesnt matter than I would just include the letter so I wouldnt need to address it again in an addendum..
Generally no. You don't really need to explain a canceled score. Addendums are used more to explain why you got a bad score. With a cancellation you don't have a bad score. You got sick, you had an off day, etc...etc... they've heard it all and I don't think they care much. Outside HYS they generally just look at the best score anyway.

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Jack Smirks

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Re: Cancelled my score - include LSAC's letter in file?

Post by Jack Smirks » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:34 pm

I guess I would send the letter in place of an addendum. I would rather admissions consider the fact that LSAC is taking partial responsibility in the matter.
EDIT: This is only if you absolutely feel the need to send an addendum or some explanation. I agree with poster above that generally you don't have to explain cancellations.

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