Sort of. I took an ice cold DT a few months ago and missed around 35 questions i think..don't remember which PT it was, but i think it was like a 156ish. I remember I got killed by one of the LR sections. I think I was like -7 -7 -7 -13 or something.Lolschool wrote:OP: Did you take a diagnostic? It seems like you're getting through the bibles pretty quickly--are you planning on just practice tests until the actual test? Also, any specific plans for RC? You're on the right track, good luck!
I have the RCB and I'm going to start going through it in august sometime. I'll work with RC pretty much like I'm doing for LR; ill do sections at first and thoroughly review each question, etc. (ill also probably experiment with different marking methods too though for rc)
I am going to take a full out PT once im through the LGB though to see if at least on LR and LG i'm getting close to being where i want to be.
thanks for the encouragement!