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Retakers, what will you do differently this time?

Post by alicrimson » Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:13 pm

Hey guys, so we just got our scores and alot of us are not too pleased or just think we can do better. I know I feel this way. So I was wondering, what will everyone do differently compared to how they studied prior to the June test?

1. How many times have you taken the LSAT?
2. What was your score?
3. What is your realistic goal?
4. Dream goal?
5. Did you freak out?
Kind the first section.
6. Did you PT?
7. If yes, do you have an average?
Typically 164-165
8. How did you study?
Took a bunch of 4 section PT's.
9. What will you do different?
Powerscore Bibles, No PT's until 2 months out, no LSAT TLS one month out, closer PT tracking, and five section tests. I'm going to work accuracy and then time.
10. When does this start?
July 1
11. Any other take away points?
I'm glad I took it now instead of October. Now apps can go in early even with the redo. I'm actually glad I didn't cancel also. I'm one point off the median with a 3.7. I feel that I will be much more relaxed going into next time because I already have a ranged score going in.

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Re: Retakers, what will you do differently this time?

Post by _confunded_ » Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:33 am

1. How many times have you taken the LSAT?
2. What was your score?
3. What is your realistic goal?
4. Dream goal?
5. Did you freak out?
During the test? no. When I got my score? yes.
6. Did you PT?
Yes, but only a few... not nearly enough.
7. If yes, do you have an average?
163-164, first cold diagnostic was 159.
8. How did you study?
Took FOUR, yes, four, PT's, and nothing else.
9. What will you do different?
Oh I dunno, not act cocky and actually STUDY!?! I know I can do much better if I put the time into rigorous preparation. Lesson learned form this score, I hope!
10. When does this start?
End of July/Beginning of August.
11. Any other take away points?
Looking at the bright side, I'm a little glad I got the score I did, in a way. I've always been the one who didn't have to try, but since I didn't really study and then didn't end up with the score I wanted... it's kind of like the kick in the butt I needed. I obviously can't coast through law school, so it's a good thing I'm learning how to put effort into things now. Hopefully this feeling stays with me until I start prepping for October!


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Re: Retakers, what will you do differently this time?

Post by AmbitiousPanda » Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:13 am

1. How many times have you taken the LSAT?
2. What was your score?
3. What is your realistic goal?
4. Dream goal?
Anything above 166
5. Did you freak out?
"During the test? no. When I got my score? yes."
6. Did you PT?
Yes, just over 20. Good thing I left some "modern exams to do"
7. If yes, do you have an average?
163, first cold diagnostic was 152.
8. How did you study?
PowerScore class and just over 20 PT's.
9. What will you do different?
Since I did the PowerScore course, I figured I didn't need to do the Bibles- however this score has proved otherwise so I'm glad I'll have something to look over than has been such a tremendous success for other TLSers.
Also- PACING PACING PACING. I was consistently hitting -2/-3 on RC but on the actual June exam I got stuck along the way and rushed the last passage when the proctor called 5min; I got -3 on that passage alone.
10. When does this start?
Mid/Late- July
11. Any other take away points?
Good luck to everyone else.

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Re: Retakers, what will you do differently this time?

Post by truffleshuffle » Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:31 am

1. How many times have you taken the LSAT?
2. What was your score?
3. What is your realistic goal?
4. Dream goal?
5. Did you freak out?
Felt fine the entire time
6. Did you PT?
Yes, all three of the 10 _____ LSAT books and then some in the 50s. I still got most of the 40s and half the 50s so I gotta use them wisely.
7. If yes, do you have an average?
Typically 163-164
8. How did you study?
Took a bunch of 4 section PT's, with about 5 or 6 five section PT's.
9. What will you do different?
Stay sharp with LG (-0), keep practicing RC (-6), and attack the shit out of LR (-19).
Gonna review my PT's more closely.
10. When does this start?
Studying starts now, PT's will start mid July
11. Any other take away points?
Happy to have one in the books even if it wasn't what I wanted. Good luck.

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Re: Retakers, what will you do differently this time?

Post by mayday » Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:55 pm

1. How many times have you taken the LSAT?

2. What was your score?

3. What is your realistic goal?
167 (haha, or so I thought)

4. Dream goal?
167 or above.

5. Did you freak out?
No, though I did stress out a bit when I saw that second LG section rear its head, which usually can either make or break my score.

6. Did you PT?
Yup, the most recent book of ten, and a few from a Powerscore LSAT book of tests.

7. If yes, do you have an average?
Average probably around 167-170.

8. How did you study?
Studied each section by itself first, going back occasionally so I wouldn't forget (PS bibles and individual sections from actual tests), and then moved on to actual tests.

9. What will you do different?
Need to keep better track of time during the test and give myself some checkpoints. Didn't run out of time PTing on LR or RC, so I probably got cocky but had to guess on around 1-2 questions in each of these sections on the June LSAT because the time snuck up like a thief in the night.

Will also force every brain cell to work overtime on LG, which for me is the most mentally exhausting section. After finishing the experimental LG section and getting to the real one, my brain was frazzled and I didn't make the connections in the last game that would have let me answer the questions, guessed 5. Just redid that game under timed conditions and got through it fine. Here's hoping I won't get two LG sections in October!

10. When does this start?
Probably not thinking about it for at least a few days, then I'll start reviewing some of the books and doing some questions through July and gradually move up to individual sections and then tests by Sept.

11. Any other take away points?
Best of luck to everyone retaking. Annoying stuff, no doubt, but it's still pretty exciting. And we should all keep in mind that by no means did we do badly (at least no one that has posted on this thread yet). So here's to making our own obnoxious expectations next time.

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Re: Retakers, what will you do differently this time?

Post by T6Hopeful » Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:15 pm

1. How many times have you taken the LSAT?
2. What was your score?
3. What is your realistic goal?
4. Dream goal?
5. Did you freak out?
Yup, -5 in LG (hasn't happened since my diagnostic, it's almost always a -0), -11 in RC (never happened before)
6. Did you PT?
Took 19, but should've taken more
7. If yes, do you have an average?
Not that I've calculated - cold diagnostic 157, a good portion of my middle tests being 166, 4-5 of my last tests being 170-171
8. How did you study?
Kaplan course - not a good idea in retrospect
9. What will you do different?
LG - just keep fresh, nothing new to learn
LR - forget everything Kaplan taught me, already ordered LRB, started reading this morning
RC - keep reading
10. When does this start?
Unfortunately now, but studying abroad for six weeks, so I'll have to strike a compromise with myself between fun and work.
11. Any other take away points?
You guys probably know this, but Kaplan was definitely a bad choice in retrospect. They helped me go from a 157 to a 164 or so real easily, but then completely abandoned me, just kinda saying it was up to me at that point. That's fine and reasonable, but that was a month through the 3 month class, so what the hell was I paying for?

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Re: Retakers, what will you do differently this time?

Post by OklahomasOK » Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:24 pm

1. How many times have you taken the LSAT?
2. What was your score?
3. What is your realistic goal?
4. Dream goal?
5. Did you freak out?
I felt like I was in a daze during the test. I felt confident, but not sure on most questions. Focus wasn't 100%
6. Did you PT?
about 35 or so
7. If yes, do you have an average?
172.X I underperformed BIG time
8. How did you study?
PowerScore Bibles and PT's
9. What will you do different?
Not too much. I think having it under my belt, albeit awful, will help calm me down the second time.
10. When does this start?
Late July
11. Any other take away points?
I hate this test.


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Re: Retakers, what will you do differently this time?

Post by simpson89 » Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:38 pm

1. How many times have you taken the LSAT?
2. What was your score?
3. What is your realistic goal?
4. Dream goal?
5. Did you freak out?
When I realized that the logic games weren't experimental and reading comp was
6. Did you PT?
7. If yes, do you have an average?
8. How did you study?
Kaplan (Mistake) and on my own multiple PTs
9. What will you do different?
Work more on time. Not take a Kaplan course. And follow some of the guides on TLS, with many more PTs
10. When does this start?
July 1
11. Any other take away points?
I hate this test, but it is learnable and I will be more prepared next time.


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Re: Retakers, what will you do differently this time?

Post by PrincessLexiRae » Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:45 pm

1. How many times have you taken the LSAT?
2. What was your score?
3. What is your realistic goal?
4. Dream goal?
5. Did you freak out?
Kinda. Especially after both people at my table left before the first section was over.
6. Did you PT?
7. If yes, do you have an average?
8. How did you study?
Kaplan private tutoring
9. What will you do different?
More logical reasoning practice and more practice tests.
10. When does this start?
July 7thish
11. Any other take away points?
More studying!!!! And no more bs Kaplan.

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Re: Retakers, what will you do differently this time?

Post by cinefile 17 » Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:49 pm

1. How many times have you taken the LSAT?
2. What was your score?
3. What is your realistic goal?
174 (I think it's realistic b.c. that was my PT average before the test)
4. Dream goal?
5. Did you freak out?
No, I was surprisingly calm.
6. Did you PT?
Did I ever
7. If yes, do you have an average?
8. How did you study?
Took every PT available (5 sections) under as close to real conditions as possible (35 minutes, used and analog watch, some noise). I went over the ones I got wrong. Also used the Powerscore Bibles and took a TM course.
9. What will you do different?
Focusing on RC b.c. that is the only section that is not consistent. I'm reading everything I can get my hands on, doing RC drills, ect. I'll also re-take all PT and give myself only 32 minutes. I'm keeping a binder where I will cut out and paste onto pages all of the problems I get wrong. Finally, I'm probably going to go over all the questions on every test I do afterward rather than just the ones I get wrong (make sure I understand not only why the right answer choice is right, by what makes the wrong ones wrong).
10. When does this start?
July 1
11. Any other take away points?
It's hard for me because I honestly have no clue what went wrong on the real test. I hadn't received below a 170 on PT for four months (and over 40 PT) prior to the actual test. I wish I could blame it on nerves or the testing experience, but I was pretty calm and the testing conditions were pleasant. I knew the RC was a little rough, but -8?!?! when I normally get -2 or -3. Ugh. Maybe just bad luck. Having the RC last was definitely the death of me.

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Re: Retakers, what will you do differently this time?

Post by djjf39 » Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:10 pm

1. How many times have you taken the LSAT?
2. What was your score?
3. What is your realistic goal?
4. Dream goal?
5. Did you freak out?
Yes, when I realized I botched the mulch game, then had less than five minutes for interns (-8 LG)
6. Did you PT?
Yes, 12
7. If yes, do you have an average?
167, from a 154 diagnostic
8. How did you study?
Private tutor
9. What will you do different?
25+ PTs, all three bibles, focus heavily on being consistent.
10. When does this start?
July 1
11. Any other take away points?
I got decimated by RC and LG, but my LR was inconsistent as well. I am trying to look at this as an opportunity to eliminate the inconsistency that I fell prey to during the real test. I had multiple PTs with -0 in several sections, but I struggled throughout with games. On the real deal I went -6 RC, which is the worst RC section I have ever had; my diag RC was -5. Be consistent on OCT 9, my goal for the next 110 days.

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Re: Retakers, what will you do differently this time?

Post by goawaybee » Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:34 pm

1. How many times have you taken the LSAT?
2. What was your score?
3. What is your realistic goal?
4. Dream goal?
5. Did you freak out?
Yes, when I had to go to bathroom during middle of 2nd section, hence the gangster score. all went to hell after that 10 minutes of "hold it, hold it" blew the entire section and everything after it.
6. Did you PT?
Yes, 10 or so
7. If yes, do you have an average?
158 on last 5, from a 149 diagnostic (ice cold, was like a horror movie)
8. How did you study?
About 5 days total going over LR/LB (maybe 40 hours crammed and didn't really sink in) took a bunch of PT's but gave up 1 night after doing terrible then 10 days later decided to take one and improved. registered 2 days before late reg. ended for june test.
9. What will you do different?
I could write a book at this point.
Take few PT's timed/untimed. Focus on accuracy and comprehension. Holistic approach to the entire thing, pattern recognition etc...Renovate a room and make it my study area/office and actually stay focused. Do at least 10-12 5 section exams and 3-4 6 section exams during the last 6 weeks of study. Remain humble and realistic.
10. When does this start?
Hopefully 2nd week in july.
11. Any other take away points?
If you have to pee, run like hell and handle it. If you didn't study and aren't pressed to sit for exam due to application deadlines or otherwise. Cool out, put in some time, get familiar with the test so it doesn't consume you. Maintain balance in your life. Only study or take PT's when your mind is clear/focused. Take a look at all available study methods, find out what works best for you. Personalize your study plan, be realistic. Don't get fixated on a certain school or test score. Sleep well, focus on your overall health and living a balanced life. It will help you come test day remembering that this is just part of the process of the LS admissions game which is only part of your life. You are not defined by your score. It simply represents how you performed on a single exam given one afternoon throughout the course of your life. The skills gained from studying can be applied to other areas of your life and make you a sharper person, It isn't a waste.

Balance, Balance, Balance. Find what works for you, if a certain method or course isn't clicking. CHANGE. Give yourself plenty of time 3-6 months less hours each week may be much better than 2 months straight for many people.

Do the best you can and don't beat yourself up over it.

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