online class Forum

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online class

Post by northwood » Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:21 pm

which online class is the better option: Powerscore or Princeton Review Live Online.( reasons would help I have been going through the LGB and seem to be having difficulty with the unbalanced linear games> ( I just finished the second chapter) I have allready paid for the princeton review course, but i could always get a refund. both course options end around september 1st, so i have plenty of time to review where i need to be. my goal is a 160+ ( diagnostic 148- games were horrible- guessed on practically all of them)

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Re: online class

Post by furrywalls » Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:08 am

If it's between those two I would have to say PowerScore although I have heard the online class is redundant for anyone who has already worked or will be working the bibles. Princeton Review doesn't use real lsat questions and personally I don't care how close to the real thing they are, I'd rather just use the real deal (especially with 62 PT's available). I just took the June test and I took an online class from knewton. I prepped for a little over 4 months and most of my significant gains came through PT's and working through the bibles, however, the resources available through the online course were invaluable in my opinion. The instruction is alright, probably really good if you are struggling but for like $500 (less than half of PS) I had access to every official PT and decent explanations for each question. I also liked how it categorized the questions and automatically kept track of my progress so I could gauge my weaknesses. I watched a view of the archived lessons when I felt like I needed added help but the live classes were fucking boring. In January i took a diagnostic and scored a 151 but by the end of April my range was 168-175 and by the end of May it was a little higher. I saved the recent PT's for tail end of my prep because they were printable and although most people probably just watch those live lessons and do a little hw I ended up taking 50+ PTs and felt great about the June test. Guess we will know pretty soon. Hope this helps, good luck with the decision.

As a side note struggling with LG should not worry you yet. It's early and if you stick with it you will see drastic improvements quickly. I wouldn't let this be my deciding factor for choosing a course b/c it is by far the most learnable section regardless of the instructor or course.

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