Logic games explantions? Are there any? Forum

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Logic games explantions? Are there any?

Post by gettingready » Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:37 pm

I am facing an obstacle I have never faced before! I am about 75 pages shy from finishing the logic games bible. I started doing some older test and I am stuck! I try to figure on my own why I chose the wrong answer (when I do) but sometimes I am stuck. I come up with explanations but I cannot stop wondering if the explanations I came up with are valid or not. I keep thinking that since my thinking was faulty when I first chose the answer I might be wrong in my interpretation. It does not happen all the time but since I am not an expert yet....what should I do? What did you guys do or done????? Advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Logic games explantions? Are there any?

Post by FutureApplicant » Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:44 pm

The PowerScore LGB Workbook gives you an additional 30 games, with answer keys and explanations.

Also, you might look around to see if any of the companies publish a comprehensive set of explanations for every test, or for at least some of the tests.

Try this link:


Good luck.


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Re: Logic games explantions? Are there any?

Post by ZombiesAhead » Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:36 pm

Buy the PS Workbook AND PS LG Ultimate Setups Guide. Both VERY good IMO.

You'll also find a few companies on the 'net selling PDF explanations that are often pretty good. Research Cambridge, Atlas, Zen of 180, etc.

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Re: Logic games explantions? Are there any?

Post by LSAT Blog » Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:09 pm

Keep in mind that the PS LGB Workbook uses Logic Games from recent PrepTests (39-51 = Dec 02-Dec 06).

You'll likely want to save most (or all) of those PrepTests to complete as full-length timed practice exams close to test day. If you plan to use that workbook, you may not want to look at many of those games until after you've taken them as part of your timed practice work. You don't want to taint your results.


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Dr. Strangelove

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Re: Logic games explantions? Are there any?

Post by Dr. Strangelove » Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:34 pm

LSAT Blog wrote:Keep in mind that the PS LGB Workbook uses Logic Games from recent PrepTests (39-51 = Dec 02-Dec 06).

You'll likely want to save most (or all) of those PrepTests to complete as full-length timed practice exams close to test day. If you plan to use that workbook, you may not want to look at many of those games until after you've taken them as part of your timed practice work. You don't want to taint your results.

This is excellent advice!

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Re: Logic games explantions? Are there any?

Post by gettingready » Thu Jun 03, 2010 9:33 am

Thank you very much for your advice. I think the LG workbook is a good idea!
Also, do you know of any forum where you could actually post and discuss actual LSAT questions? There are a few MBA forums where you could do this and I think it is very helpful. You have the opportunity to see different approaches and interesting ways of thinking! It is a great way to brainstorm and would be great if we could do this whith the LSAT questions.

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Re: Logic games explantions? Are there any?

Post by LSAT Blog » Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:54 am

You can discuss LSAT questions right here in this forum! Just start a new thread with something like the following in the title:

"PrepTest 35, Section 1, Question 8" or "PT35, S1, Q8"

(You can also refer to the PT by date, although most folks tend to refer to it by PT#.)

You just can't post the actual text of the question itself due to copyright restrictions. Believe it or not, that's not actually a big deal, though.

Those of us who tend to respond to threads about specific LSAT questions already have all the PTs, so we'll just look at the text of the question in our books and then respond :)

Here's an example of how to do this in an acceptable way: http://www.top-law-schools.com/forums/v ... 6&t=119232

P.S. It's never permitted to discuss LSAT questions that haven't actually been released yet. For example, it's not permitted to discuss LSAT questions from the June 2010 LSAT until that exam has been released by LSAC.

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Atlas LSAT Teacher

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Re: Logic games explantions? Are there any?

Post by Atlas LSAT Teacher » Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:58 am

gettingready wrote:Thank you very much for your advice. I think the LG workbook is a good idea!
Also, do you know of any forum where you could actually post and discuss actual LSAT questions? There are a few MBA forums where you could do this and I think it is very helpful. You have the opportunity to see different approaches and interesting ways of thinking! It is a great way to brainstorm and would be great if we could do this whith the LSAT questions.
We run a public forum that's focused on discussing LSAT questions: http://www.atlaslsat.com/question-explanations.cfm


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Re: Logic games explantions? Are there any?

Post by jaydizzle » Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:14 am

The forum Atlas has is damn good. I posted a question Sunday night. An instructor got back to me at 2 am that evening on the forum! I was expecting an answer back at the earliest Tuesday since Monday was a holiday after all.


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Re: Logic games explantions? Are there any?

Post by gettingready » Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:36 pm

Again, thank you for the advice. I think it is a great feature to have on a forum!I will start using it! Thanks :wi

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