Prep 52 Sept 07. Sec 3. Q25 Forum

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Prep 52 Sept 07. Sec 3. Q25

Post by eternallearner » Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:01 pm

The correct answer is (A). I agree partially with (A) has to offer, I don't see how the last bit of (A) "little about the origin of our solar system" helps. In fact, doesn't it go against the principle of the stem, which I interpret as if we know more about our distant past, we know less about the present.

Doesn't the origin of our solar system belong in a further distant past and thus, cannot qualify as our present?

Thank you!

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Re: Prep 52 Sept 07. Sec 3. Q25

Post by pinkzeppelin » Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:09 pm

eternallearner wrote:The correct answer is (A). I agree partially with (A) has to offer, I don't see how the last bit of (A) "little about the origin of our solar system" helps. In fact, doesn't it go against the principle of the stem, which I interpret as if we know more about our distant past, we know less about the present.

Doesn't the origin of our solar system belong in a further distant past and thus, cannot qualify as our present?

Thank you!
No, the paragraph states that the more distant the period being analyzed is, the less useful studying the present becomes.

Since the origin of our solar system is clearly a very very distant past, the paragraph would imply that little could be known about the origin of our solar system by studying the present. This is exactly what answer choice A says.


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Re: Prep 52 Sept 07. Sec 3. Q25

Post by eternallearner » Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:44 pm

I see :D

Thank you

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