Prep 46. June 2005. Section 4. Question 12 Forum

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Prep 46. June 2005. Section 4. Question 12

Post by eternallearner » Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:25 am

Such an embarrassing question to ask, but I am stuck on the first question of this section. Why is (A) the correct choice? How do you rule out choices (B) and (D)?

Thank you.


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Re: Prep 46. June 2005. Section 4. Question 12

Post by mshermn » Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:45 pm

Let's take the constraints and rule out the incorrect answer choices one by one. The first constraint rules out answer choice (E). The combination of the second and third constraints tells us that Lofton and Oceana cannot be second - ruling out answer choices (B) and (D). The final constraint rules out answer choice (C) and through the process of elimination we're left with (A) as the correct answer.

I know these orientation questions are supposed to be the straight forward application of the rules. In this case, we do need to think about the inference that can be obtained by combining the second and third constraints.

I hope this helps!

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