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Post by drake » Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:04 pm

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Re: LSAT June or October? Advice please?

Post by tomwatts » Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:38 pm

October is not too late. I think the biggest difference is the time of day, really (June is in the afternoon, everything else in the morning).


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Re: LSAT June or October? Advice please?

Post by februaryftw » Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:41 pm

drake wrote:I am currently a junior, but I am not sure whether or not I should take the test in June or October. I haven't really studied for the test that extensively yet, and I am not sure if I will be ready by June. I really want to do well this semester in school, so I feel that I should just direct all my time and energy to school work instead of dividing them up.

I will have a lot of free time over this summer (basically the entire summer is free), and it seems like a better idea to spend my summer prepping for the LSAT, as boring as it may sound haha.

However, I've done some research and it seems like most of the people are suggesting that the best time to take the LSAT is in June. Is taking the LSAT in October a bit too late in the process? I was hoping to apply early to increase my chances at the schools that I will be applying to.

Some people suggested that one should leave October open for a 2nd testing if needed, but I am planning on taking the LSAT just once - one shot, all or nothing.

Although I did spend some time lurking on these boards and reading up on some helpful information provided, I am basically a newbie to this whole LSAT/Law school process and I was hoping you guys could give me some advice on this matter.
Sounds to me like you should do it in October. If there is any chance you won't be fully prepared for your test, there is no sense rushing it. Also, don't mess up your GPA worrying about the LSAT, especially if you have the summer to study. You don't get a chance to redo your GPA. You'll know your results in October, and applying in October/November is very early in the cycle--you'll be fine.

I studied for 3-4 months and did my best to make sure I only write once, and I am happy with this approach. Moreover, you will always have the option of re-writing in December if it doesn't. December is a little late but it isn't terrrible, especially if you have a decent sep score you are trying to improve.
Last edited by februaryftw on Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LSAT June or October? Advice please?

Post by s0ph1e2007 » Tue Feb 09, 2010 5:43 pm

There's no reason though that you cannot do well in school this term and study
I studied all this term and took the LSAT in february.
If you study a few hours most days until june (which is easy, do it over lunch, do it when you have an hour break, do LG puzzles for fun when you're bored in an easy class) you will do great!
At least try to study now and if by mid-april you arent feeling good about it or your concerned about your classes then just postpone itll october.


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Re: LSAT June or October? Advice please?

Post by Sandro » Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:04 pm

I didn't really read your post but it will be a HELL of a lot easier to study during the summer man... unless you are a complete nerd it will be kind of hard to keep a dedicated study regimen during fall semester of your senior year...

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Re: LSAT June or October? Advice please?

Post by FreeGuy » Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:07 pm

To the OP:

Generally better to take it in June so you won't have to apply too late if you have to retake. Better to retake in October than in December, which is on the later side.

Most people only plan to take it once, so you're not alone on that, but things just happen sometimes, like a bad test center, sickness, etc.

Good luck.

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