Chances at law school Forum

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Chances at law school

Post by MyNameIsntJames » Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:55 am

Hello everyone, I'm relatively new to these forums as a member but I've been following posts on here for well over a year.

Basically I want to ask you what my chances are at law school right now.

To give you some background information:

I am an AA male, 22 years old and I graduated last May (Class of 2015).

My UGPA was 3.18, but after adjusting for LSAC calculations (retaken classes and my University grants diff Quality Points for +/- letter grades) my GPA stands at a 3.0. I finished on an upward trend, however, of 3.7 my last two years at the University of Maryland (Big 10 school). My first semester of Senior year, I received straight A's.

I have already taken the LSAT and I received a score of 161 the first time I took it during my senior year. I'm going to retake it again in September and I am aiming for a 170+. I believe it is more than possible and am currently scoring in the upper 160s on practice exams right now. I think if I continue to diligently study this summer a 170+ should be a very plausible result.

I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland and have experienced conquering financial and familial adversity to persevere. I am an extraordinarily diverse individual and have seen and experienced the lives of those with great financial adversity and wealth, giving me a unique perspective on life. I've grown up around both poor and rich people of all nationalities.

I have a strong background in philanthropy. I've worked, interned and volunteered at numerous non-profits and even received recognition in my school's newspaper for my work between a non-profit and a student organization (which I created and remained president of from Junior year to graduation) to create a concert that raised over $2,500 for cancer support. I also spent some time traveling to different schools within inner city Baltimore and giving speeches to youth to encourage them to deal with adversity etc.

Extracurricular wise, I've always excelled musically. I won my high school's John Philip Sousa Award for instrumentation and was selected as the 2nd best trumpet player in the State of Maryland through the MMEA (All State Association) and have verifiable documentation for both things happening.

I hope this post doesn't sound too pretentious. I'm a regular person with flaws just like everyone else and I'm surely no genius as you probably gathered from my GPA. It wasn't until later in my college career that I gained the necessary experience and maturity to take school seriously and make a concerted effort at being very successful.

My ultimate goal is to go to HLS. That's been my dream for the last two and a half years. I'm not sure how plausible this is or what my chances are, but I'm hoping one of you knowledgeable individuals here can evaluate my situation and let me know. Feel free to offer any advice, suggestions, criticisms or questions! My mind is completely open.


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Joined: Wed Nov 14, 2012 1:52 am

Re: Chances at law school

Post by suralin » Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:53 am

stop copy and pasting the same post. and this belongs in the chances forum (where you've already made this same topic)


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