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Previously attended law school under education history

Post by M.James » Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:33 am

Hey guys, I needed some help with a question- I have previously attended law school several years ago and now am reapplying. Schools do ask if an applicant has attended law school previously and I was wondering if it is necessary to state that I have?

If an applicant states "NO" they have not attended law school in the past when in fact they have, is there a way for law schools to find out?

Do law schools have some procedure where they verify if a student has previously attended law school?

I attended a no name school just for the sake of knowledge and personal application in business, not to actually be a practicing attorney. The school closed its doors and I cannot get my record from the school. I was never registered with the state bar through the school. Now I am reapply and desire to attend a top school. If I state "NO" for previously attending law school would I be safe?



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Re: Previously attended law school under education history

Post by haus » Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:41 am

M.James wrote: If I state "NO" for previously attending law school would I be safe?

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Re: Previously attended law school under education history

Post by Ramius » Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:45 am

You'd possibly fail C&F when you apply to the bar for lying on your law school apps, which they would definitely be able to find.

This is not worth the trouble.

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Re: Previously attended law school under education history

Post by cinephile » Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:02 am

There is an educational clearinghouse database where schools can double check, so they'd figure it out. And there's the C+F problem. So, it's definitely not worth it.

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Re: Previously attended law school under education history

Post by encore1101 » Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:04 am

"Can I outright lie on my application?"

"I thought I could get away with it." is not an excuse or mitigating circumstance that the C&F Committee would fall for.
I mean, think of what you would gain from doing so versus what you have to lose.

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Re: Previously attended law school under education history

Post by Lwoods » Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:27 am

There's no real upside to lying and a huge risk. Don't do it. If you're really concerned about how it makes you look, just write an addendum. Lying is pretty much the worst thing you could do on any law-related application.


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Re: Previously attended law school under education history

Post by raininthedesert » Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:27 am

M.James wrote:Hey guys, I needed some help with a question- I have previously attended law school several years ago and now am reapplying. Schools do ask if an applicant has attended law school previously and I was wondering if it is necessary to state that I have?

If an applicant states "NO" they have not attended law school in the past when in fact they have, is there a way for law schools to find out?

Do law schools have some procedure where they verify if a student has previously attended law school?

I attended a no name school just for the sake of knowledge and personal application in business, not to actually be a practicing attorney. The school closed its doors and I cannot get my record from the school. I was never registered with the state bar through the school. Now I am reapply and desire to attend a top school. If I state "NO" for previously attending law school would I be safe?


Your previously attended law school is listed on your LSAC record for all to see. EVERY law school is supposed to submit your status as a matriculating student the first day on campus -- during orientation. The way you check this is on LSAC. There is a portion of your record that states "Previously Attended Law Schools."

If not listed there, then you got lucky and there is no way for anyone to know and the schools don't care. You can say NO.

If the school is on there, you are not only required to but also need to create an addendum titled "Rematriculation" to address the reasons for not completing. You will need to say YES.

Edit: The ethics of your decision is another matter. I would suggest saying YES and volunteering the information: (a) because it's the right thing to do (plus it's a profession of ethics even though most attorneys are dirtbags); and (b) you can use it strategically as part of a larger and hopefully compelling story.
Last edited by raininthedesert on Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Previously attended law school under education history

Post by A. Nony Mouse » Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:24 am

Why would you want to hide the fact that you'd attended somewhere else previously? What harm do you think it would do to your application?

(Because basically, as pretty much everyone else has said, if the application asks if you've ever attended law school, and you have, you should answer yes.)

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Re: Previously attended law school under education history

Post by northwood » Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:03 am

the question asks if you have previously attended law school. you have previously attended law school. the only response is yes ( and list the school name and dates). if it asks why you did not finish you studies at your previous law school as a follow up question, then briefly explain your decision to withdraw.

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