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pharmaceutical job, congressional internship, or classes?

Post by philly93 » Sat Apr 27, 2013 12:50 pm

hey guys, I've previously posted on this site before on a similar topic but circumstances have changed and I am in need for some help. I am currently a sophomore (rising junior) at a top25 university and am looking for advice on how I should spend this summer. I have 3 options:

Option 1: I got a full-time internship at a pharmaceutical company. I will be in charge of handling databases, updating information, and aiding with research. I will be exposed to mergers and accusations and transactions behind it. I will essentially document it. I will actually be doing a lot of work and be given a lot of responsibility. It is a paid job. This aligns with my resume because I have a TON on bench-science research. This is because I was initially thinking med school and so joined labs. I still do science research even while pursuing a "pre-law" curriculum because I think I can get some great recs from the lab leaders. This job would only add to the resume experience and I figure getting a rec from a professional setting would be good for law school.

Option 2: Congressional internship. This is a little trickier situation. Let me explain: Option 1 starts from June 3rd and I have not yet heard back from the congressional offices I applied. I have had an intereview with a few and they said they would let me know sometime end of may. This might be a problem because I have to get back to Option 1 confirming my decision soon. Therefore, it looks like I might have to give up on Option 1 and HOPE (read: put all of my eggs in one basket) in a Congressional internship. So if i do not get it, not only did I loose option 2 but also option 1. Do you guys think it is worth the gamble? This option is definitely much more ALIGNED in the "pre-law" philosophy and might give me a bit more insight into law than option 1.

Option 3: this would be summer classes. I would have to give up on both option1 and option 2. Starting out as premed, my GPA has definitely taken a hit. At the end of my sophomore year it looks like I will be coming out with a GPA of about a 3.5 (maybe a 3.46-3.5). Therefore, do you guys think it would be better that I take summer classes and try bringing up that GPA before my third year. I would only take 6 credits (2 courses), therefore the numerical impact on my GPA might be small but still present. Do you guys think focusing on this, rahter than option 1 and 2, is a better route?

PLEASE, give me your thoughts. I am really confused and am conflicted and need to get back to Option 1 by monday.

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Re: pharmaceutical job, congressional internship, or classes?

Post by okaygo » Sat Apr 27, 2013 1:13 pm

I can definitely say knock out number two. Congressional internship is essentially a waste of time, and you don't actually get any real experience. Option 1 is enticing, but I have a feeling that most at TLS will drill you with the 'GPA/LSAT' trumps almost irrelevant softs.

But considering that you're only a rising junior, you still have two full semesters to bring up your GPA (assuming you plan to take the June/October LSAT and will apply shortly after you receive the scores for next years cycle) so there's that to consider as well.


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Re: pharmaceutical job, congressional internship, or classes?

Post by philly93 » Sat Apr 27, 2013 2:05 pm

Exactly, the GPA issue is what is holding me back from making my choice. My dream law schools are Columbia and NYU and from my research on these boards it seems like a 3.7 and a 172+ should make you extremely competitive. Part of me feels like 2 semesters is enough to raise a 3.5ish to close to a 3.7. Any other thoughts?

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Re: pharmaceutical job, congressional internship, or classes?

Post by polareagle » Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:19 pm

philly93 wrote:Part of me feels like 2 semesters is enough to raise a 3.5ish to close to a 3.7.
Is it? This is something you should be able to figure out empirically.

If you were to get straight A's in all your courses next year, what would your GPA become exactly (use this calculator to figure it out: ... ulator.htm). What about if you added in the summer course? Exact numbers will be helpful here.

You probably already know what courses you're taking in the fall, and you can make a guess as to which ones you'll be taking in the spring. Is getting straight A's possible? How much flexibility do you have in getting to the GPA you want? Go through the calculations and report back with numbers.


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Re: pharmaceutical job, congressional internship, or classes?

Post by philly93 » Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:52 pm

Using that link, if I were to get nothing but As for the summer (6credits), fall (15credits), spring(15credits) terms the highest GPA I could achieve is a 3.68

Obviously the variables in this calculation is actually getting those As and also I will most probably take more than 15 credits in the fall and spring. Getting those straight As will be tough but A-'s are definitely doable.

I was also thinking maybe I take a year off before applying to law school, so that I can have my senior year grades as well count towards my GPA. This way I feel I am much more likely to get that 3.7. Thoughts? And also thanks for the replies and more help on choosing this summer's options would be awesome!

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Re: pharmaceutical job, congressional internship, or classes?

Post by Tekrul » Sat Apr 27, 2013 5:48 pm

I face planted columbia but I made nyu with a 3.2 .

Take a cold lsat diagnostic. Allow yourself a very conservative 10 point gain with a summer of studying. If that's within shooting distance of the lsat you're trying to make 172+, go for the first option at the pharm job. It can only help you when you've got the rest on lockdown anyway. 2 is out of the question. 3 is reasonable if your lsat diagnostic suggests you need as much gpa help as possible, the situation being your lsat is not on lockdown.


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Re: pharmaceutical job, congressional internship, or classes?

Post by philly93 » Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:28 pm

that sound's like a great idea but idk if i have the time to take the diagnostic. i have 4 finals in the next 5 days and would need to respond to option 1 before that. I've always been good at standardized exams and I've read everywhere that the LSAT is an exam that can be mastered with the appropriate time. I have already purchased BluePrint's logic games and plan to do that over this summer. so that by the time i start actual LSAT prep, I will have logic games under my belt.

so it seems like if i do not make the 3.5 this semester, the best option is to do summer classes? i personally want to do option 1 but the idea of increasing my GPA (even marginally) is enticing. can i get more thoughts? and thank you for those who have replied

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Re: pharmaceutical job, congressional internship, or classes?

Post by TheThriller » Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:19 pm

whats a top25 univeristy?

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Re: pharmaceutical job, congressional internship, or classes?

Post by cinephile » Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:40 pm

Take the paid job.

If your goals change a year or two from now, it'll be good to have experience in something real. Plus, $ is always nice.

Do not waste your time on summer classes. If you're worried about your GPA, just apply after you graduate so you can get your senior year grades in there too.

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Re: pharmaceutical job, congressional internship, or classes?

Post by philly93 » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:42 pm

yeah i am now leaning towards that. any other thoughts?

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alpha kenny body

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Re: pharmaceutical job, congressional internship, or classes?

Post by alpha kenny body » Mon Apr 29, 2013 9:47 pm

This is exactly my life right now except I'm graduating/applying. Let me know how you decide and how it works out for you.

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Re: pharmaceutical job, congressional internship, or classes?

Post by J-e-L-L-o » Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:24 pm

Take the job and take classes. Take an easy online course that you can knock out by readings and writing at night.

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