Understanding the "juris doctorate preferred" implication Forum

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Legacy Rabbit

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Understanding the "juris doctorate preferred" implication

Post by Legacy Rabbit » Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:15 pm

I posted elsewhere a little about where I work. I work for a highly respected Fortune 500. A number of my peers and managers hold JDs; however, a JD is not required, but it is preferred. Those who have JDs, a number of them do maintain active bar status.

ABA noted that their most recent stats reflect that only 55 perc of new law school grads are securing JD required legal employment within 9-12 months after graduation. So, I can only assume that a number of law grads have secured "JD preferred" work.
Now, the below:

"Only full-time “JD required” jobs should be counted and advertised by law schools. Any other category is susceptible to manipulation and will be exploited by law schools to conceal poor employment results. Current claims that the ABA reporting rules will improve transparency because they provide more “granular data” are wrong—they will produce more obfuscation by law schools.

If only full-time “JD required” jobs can be reported, law schools will be stripped bare and prospective students will finally get a clear look at their real job prospects. Law schools undoubtedly will vehemently oppose this proposal, calling it unfair, failing to credit them for all the great non-lawyer jobs their graduates are getting."

http://www.nationaljurist.com/content/n ... -will-fail

I agree with the author that there should be full transparency. However, the legal climate has changed. One can make a very good living, like those where I work, without the “hassle” that comes with Gov’t, non-profit, and big law. Where I work, the men and women are truly raising their families, seeing your kids every day, participating in their activities...etc. Where I am the hours are super flexible because you can work from home. Examples of these positions include: 1) contracts 2) risk 3) consulting.

I have spoken to a number of people who salaries are comparable to mid-big law salaries. They tell me that feel that they are “making a good living”.

FYI: I am applying this cycle.

Those who have substantive full time work for at least 2+ years, what do you think about working in the non-traditional legal field. Your feedback is truly appreciated.

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