If you transfer law schools, can you graduate a sem. early? Forum

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If you transfer law schools, can you graduate a sem. early?

Post by cherylann » Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:18 pm

If you attend law school during your first year, and you do well and are able to transfer and move up in the rankings, and 30 of your first year hours transfer over, is it possible to graduate a semester early? I know for those that dont transfer, that if they do well, they can take an overload and graduate a semester early, but was just wondering if anyone knew anyone that transfered and was able to graduate a semester early?

Is there a rule that once you transfer you have to stay there for 2 years or can you graduate a semester early?


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Re: If you transfer law schools, can you graduate a sem. early?

Post by handsonthewheel » Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:14 pm

Depends on the transfer school's requirements for in-residence requirements and limits per semester. And I don't know that I've heard of people graduating a semester early in general.

It may be a theoretical possibility, but isn't likely going to do you any favors considering the probably impact on your GPA and time to search for a job.

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Re: If you transfer law schools, can you graduate a sem. early?

Post by dingbat » Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:08 pm

it's possible even without transferring.
If you do summer school both summers, they count as a half-semester each toward the residency requirement.
Hell, some schools even offer a 2 1/2 year program

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