LSAC won't have any idea what percentage you got in a class to earn each letter grade, and even if they did they wouldn't care. Whatever letter grade is on the transcript sent to LSAC is the letter grade LSAC views you as having received, and they will calculate your LSDAS GPA as such.Asebinop wrote:Quick question here related to the OP's.
My UG doesn't give out A+s, but numerically I would have received two of them had I gone to a different University (received final grades of 97,98 respectively). Should I expect my LSAC GPA to account for these A+s and be higher than my UG GPA, assuming all else held constant? Thanks.
And if anyone is about to rail against the unfairness of some institutions offering A+s and some not, please don't let TLS stop you in your quest to find someone who gives a shit.