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Specializing in Law School

Post by qualski » Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:27 pm

I know that one does not specialize in law school, but how is one supposed to know much of anything about their field once he graduates? I want to be a patent lawyer, but wouldn't only a few of the classes I would take pertain to patent law? How am I supposed to know how to be a patent lawyer without specific training in the field? Does anyone who has attended law school know how this works? Thanks!

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Re: Specializing in Law School

Post by vanwinkle » Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:28 pm

qualski wrote:I know that one does not specialize in law school, but how is one supposed to know much of anything about their field once he graduates? I want to be a patent lawyer, but wouldn't only a few of the classes I would take pertain to patent law? How am I supposed to know how to be a patent lawyer without specific training in the field? Does anyone who has attended law school know how this works? Thanks!
You learn during your summer internships and once you graduate. Law school teaches you to think like a lawyer, working as a lawyer teaches you to be a lawyer.

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