I am writing to solicit your opinion on how to weigh a lower-ranked regional school in the region in which you want to live and practice after graduation versus taking a higher-ranked school in the same general region (nationally speaking).
To put some names and specifics to the question, I have applied to, amongst others, William & Mary (28) and Pitt (71). I shot out an application to Pitt considering them as a safety school. I have been RD'd to GWU and believe I can reasonably expect admission to W&M and Pitt.
That said, I am interested in working and living in Pittsburgh after graduation. Is it a relevant consideration that, although Pitt is a weaker school, it may be a prudent choice if I wish to stay in Pittsburgh and given that they will likely chip me money over W&M? Or is W&M still hands-down the better choice, given their ranking, even though it is not in Pittsburgh but southeastern Virginia?
Thanks in advance for any insight you can offer.