Why are you going to law school? Forum

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What is your primary reason for attending/applying to law school

Dream of being a lawyer
The money
Don't have anything else to do
Something else (explain below)
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Re: Why are you going to law school?

Post by Aeroplane » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:07 am

reasonable_man wrote:
unbeknownst wrote:I want to go through life without having to hire a lawyer. I also never want to feel like I am getting ripped off.
A lawyer that represents him/her self has a fool for a client...
Aside from that, my understanding is that most lawyers are near worthless in any practice area outside their own, and lawyers who "dabble" in lots of practice areas tend to suck at all of them. So you might be able to represent yourself OK in a personal injury case, if that's your thing, but it doesn't mean you'd want to represent yourself in a divorce.

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Re: Why are you going to law school?

Post by reasonable_man » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:10 am

Aeroplane wrote:
reasonable_man wrote:
unbeknownst wrote:I want to go through life without having to hire a lawyer. I also never want to feel like I am getting ripped off.
A lawyer that represents him/her self has a fool for a client...
Aside from that, my understanding is that most lawyers are near worthless in any practice area outside their own, and lawyers who "dabble" in lots of practice areas tend to suck at all of them.
As odd as it sounds, depends on where the practice is located. Rural small town and that is generally untrue. Big city, its generally right on...

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Re: Why are you going to law school?

Post by Aeroplane » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:12 am

reasonable_man wrote:
Aeroplane wrote:
reasonable_man wrote:
unbeknownst wrote:I want to go through life without having to hire a lawyer. I also never want to feel like I am getting ripped off.
A lawyer that represents him/her self has a fool for a client...
Aside from that, my understanding is that most lawyers are near worthless in any practice area outside their own, and lawyers who "dabble" in lots of practice areas tend to suck at all of them.
As odd as it sounds, depends on where the practice is located. Rural small town and that is generally untrue. Big city, its generally right on...
Yeah, I'm coming from a bigger city perspective, but I've heard that distinction made before.

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Re: Why are you going to law school?

Post by asfasdagdsfawe » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:13 am

I'm going to law school to appease my parents. If biglaw ends up being fun, I may do it for a while. Otherwise, I'll save up some quick cash and go live in Mongolia or something. Whatever I do, I'll eventually go back to school, get a PhD in philosophy, and live under a bridge.


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Re: Why are you going to law school?

Post by winokbe » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:37 am

I questioned myself on this many times before finally succumbing to the urge to apply and take the LSAT. For me was simple: I enjoy law.
I found that I loved law. I like the fact that its based on precedent, yet at the same time, open for debate and interpretation based upon the situation presented...that, and I rocked parliamentary procedure and debate back in the days of high school.

Its good money, and even if I don't end up being a practicing attorney, it looks GREAT on a resume.

It seems to me that everyone on this board is here for the same basic reasons when it really boils down to it.

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Re: Why are you going to law school?

Post by scionb4 » Mon Feb 08, 2010 1:43 am

asfasdagdsfawe wrote:I'm going to law school to appease my parents. If biglaw ends up being fun, I may do it for a while. Otherwise, I'll save up some quick cash and go live in Mongolia or something. Whatever I do, I'll eventually go back to school, get a PhD in philosophy, and live under a bridge.
Why don't you skip the schooling, buy a bunch of philosophy books, and go straight to living under a bridge?

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