I just found out that I failed the Missouri bar exam by one (1) point. Now, I am freaking out because I don't know when/if there will be a July bar exam and it looks like any one who failed the February bar is SOL on getting to use the proposed graduation privilege that is being pushed.
Any suggestions on what to do?
Also, the overall pass fail rate for my jurisdiction (MO) was MUCH lower this February. Overall pass/fail rate was 48%/52%

I Know that a lot of people are worried about the integrity of the scores if a July bar exam were to happen (hence the push for graduation privilege) but what about the scores being graded for the February bar in the midst of all this chaos? From what I can see, for my jurisdiction, we saw a huge drop. My law school itself normally preforms well (90+% pass rate as of late) and we passed <20% for Missouri. Something seems wrong about that, and I am at a loss.
Are states really going to hang February bar take failures out to dry while allowing graduation privilege for the untested? It seems so messed up to me.
I am open to thoughts/ discussions on this because I am having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this.