If you were comfortably scoring 120/200 (with times significantly higher) I would think you would be scoring near the national average or higher. A relatively "average" score hovering around 140. Granted, I dont know what your essay score was, or will be (essays are the high variance section of the test) but if you can score around that 140 it means you "bought yourself points" and can score a decent chunk below the necessary 133.RCinDNA wrote:I hope so. Definitely have been having moments of intense paranoia these past few days. I have been going through my essays in my head (and on this board) thinking that I think I adequately answered most of them with the time and character limits given but MBEs have always been a weak point so my plan was to specifically address those but now my worry is if I did enough. I missed by 7 points so technically I was not far off but I was never quite in the safe space of scoring - BarBri consistently placed me at 60-ish and Adaptibar generally did the same so I was looking at two sets of sources for practice tests with both placing me at 120/200 on a good day meaning hitting 130-140 was possible. So I pulled out my specific weak areas and just drilled and reviewed those but the actual test definitely psyches you out and the big difference between this attempt and the first is that I recall so many questions that seemed either particularly easy because I knew them or tough because of educated guesses. I would have PMed you rather than writing another novel but figure this might help others and TLS has been like a chronicle of my entire law journey.ndbigdave wrote:In the hopes of having people feel at least a "bit" better - I have passed in both Michigan and Illinois and I can safely say that I had a similar reaction...
I could say that I "knew" maybe 10-20 questions...out of 200. Nearly the entire test fell under the category of "educated guess" where I could eliminate a choice or two, and be left picking what I thought was the best of the other two.
I ended up passing with an "ok" not "great" score in each jurisidction (141) - but it also goes to show that you can pass (perhaps even comfortably) while feeling like crap today. Its just the nature of the test, there are very few brightline, for-sure answers so you are left with a feeling of doubt and uncertainty - welcome to the club.
Go get a drink...or whatever it is you do. Its over, enjoy a break and we can all reasses this in a month or two when results come out.
It sounds like you are feeling ok with the essays which would lead me to believe youre sitting pretty. The toughest part is the wait for sure, but there is literally nothing you can do now other than try and be distracted. Go on a vacation and stay busy with other things. Fortunately, Illinois gets results back sooner than many other jurisdiction.