In Texas and several other states (as I understand it), non-MBE are “scaled” using the “equipercentile method.”
This scaling method “rank-order
(high to low) the raw scores on the P&E, MPT, and Essay segments next to a high-to-low rank-ordering of the MBE scaled scores” such that “in rank-ordering the MPT scores,” for example, “the highest MPT raw score is aligned with the highest MBE scaled score” and each “MPT raw score is converted to a scaled score equal to the MBE scaled score with which it is aligned. When a 'tie' of raw scores occurs, all are assigned an average of the corresponding MBE scaled scores. The process of rank ordering is repeated with the raw scores of" the other non-MBE sections. (
Does that mean that scaling can reduce your raw performance on non-MBE sections?