I've been watching this forum for well over a month now.
First off. Happyhour.. I feel your pain. It is so stressful to wonder whether or not you did "enough".
2): Happy.. if we pass. I'm buying you a bottle of bubbly.
3) I'm a metro-north ride away from the city, I'd like to join the whiskey worriers.
4) It's not going to be tonight.. let's get real here. I cannot survive thinking its going to be "TONIGHTTTT" for the next week.
5) Why did we decide to take the F17? All the foreign takers will drive down MBE mean scores making it harder for us to pass. I should have just waited for July.
6) I'm also pissed off about the 25 "pre-test questions" what does my raw score need to be now? a 115/175?
7) Efff that Trusts essay.

Pick a date
9) my logic has boiled down to.. i either answered enough questions correctly to pass.. or I didn't. Pretty Simple.
10) I studied my @$$ off. 75% barbri completion, critical pass note cards, 100s of giant handmade flow charts and another supplemental MBE book. I have averaging 115/200 in barbri midterm. And I was consistently getting 55-60% on their practice assignments. But I made a huge effort to learn the law I didn't know.. but even with all that studying the actual bar threw a lot of curves and who knows if any of the ones I stressed about where "pretest" questions or real ones? If I do have to take it again, I'll spend 0 time learning RAP and more understanding mortgages and grand jury stuff.
12) If I do not pass, back to the drawing board. I'm not going to kill myself this next time.. if there is a next time. I'm going to go to yoga every day, study adaptibar MBE questions and barbri MEE questions.
13) Remember.. this should make you feel good. MEE in NY = 30%.... so not going to be as painful as my NC friends that had a 60% essay value.
14) We made it through law school. It is a giant accomplishment to get this far.. and an honor to have the PRIVILEGE to take this test. Yeah, we're all getting older and we don't want to spend another half a year plus pulling our hair out, but keep your chin up. We are all go-getters. Nothing in my life has been "easy". But at the end of the day.. this is a 30+ year career. We'll look back and laugh at how everything seemed bottlenecked to this exam. (which it is). but I gained 15 pounds studying and stressing out.. I signed up for gym a few weeks ago and I have gone everyday. I feel so much better. We are all capable of passing this test and if not this time.. lets stick together!
15) (insert some braveheart-like speech here)
PM me for drinks and venting.