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Post by Sprout » Tue Apr 04, 2017 7:42 pm

Does anyone have any experience with the application for accommodations on the bar exam? I can't make this anon in this thread but I don't really care. Maybe the mods can change that for answers or move this somewhere else? Any input including PMs highly welcome. Thank you all much

eta: sorry if I posted this in the wrong place

eta again: mods can you help because I cant use the internet well? don't tell my bar exam people, please.

edit again: new york bar but interested in anyones experience with this process.

Sorry my head is spinning. TYIA anyone.


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Re: Accommodations

Post by eatthebarforlunch » Tue Apr 04, 2017 9:10 pm

Pm me


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Re: Accommodations

Post by Blackhawks_Fan » Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:33 am

Hello - have you checked out the website. Has a whole section on it, which may or may not be helpful. Left hand side, second link from the bottom.

monkey law

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Re: Accommodations

Post by monkey law » Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:43 pm

Testing accommodations in most states require a formal request supported by proper documentation from a qualified professional. If you did not receive accommodations in law school, the bar examiners requires the applicant to establish they are suffering from a mental, physical or learning disability that has started since you graduated from law school. Their rational is that if you were able to pass law school, you must show a new condition that hinders your ability to test. Also be aware that testing anxiety is generally not going to qualify.

With that said, a learning disability (i.e. Dyslexia, ADHD, ADD) is probably not going to work because you would have had the disability while in law school.

A physical disability will not get you more time unless you have acquired a condition that makes it physically more difficult for you to take the exam since law school. (i.e. arthritis, other injuries or conditions)

Therefore, the mental disability is probably the only real chance you have at getting extra time-- and lets face it-- that is what you want.

A Mental disability can be shown by taking an MMPI from a qualified psychologist. It would also help if you were diagnosed with some form of anxiety by a medical doctor.

Once you get all the testing results and doctors narratives, you will likely want to write your own narrative.

It is not an easy process for a reason. But if you jump through all the hoops, and the documentation from your experts supports a finding that will allow them to find in your favor, then you are golden, as most states will defer to the aba guidelines in order to not run afoul of the law.

good luck

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