Let me squash this before it gets out of control. I was totally kidding, I, just like most of us here, am anxious for the bar results to be released. Maybe somebody who has received results before can enlighten us whether or not it's all in one e-mail or two e-mails (in that case, you can probably tell by the size of the e-mail or pdf or however they send results when they are finally released, just like people said in the NY bar results thread). Most likely the one vs. two e-mails means absolutely nothing, but I do speculate that the results are ready or just about ready and they are still not "finalized" whatever that means (probably just means crossing their t's and dotting their i's) and the e-mails were not sent inadvertently. The e-mails were most likely sent as a test of the system and some of us received one e-mail, while others two.ultravires4life wrote:So are you speculating that they are testing the number of e-mails that can be sent to an individual? Thus 2 e-mails equals a fail, and 1 e-mail equals a pass.Estecontre wrote:I'm not sure the results are known weeks in advance, maybe a week or two. I don't think they're still "finalizing" results as they say however. I've asked a close relative who's very big into the I.T. world and deals with systems/databases, which includes dealing with system transitions and patches (such as switching from eFast to Atlas), he told me that most likely the e-mails were sent as a test of the new system (whether or not they would actually reach the person, if it would generate the e-mails like they would and how many times an e-mail needed to be sent, hence why some people received one e-mail and some received two e-mails with different reference numbers). It was all a test and e-mails like that aren't "inadvertently sent." They definitely meant to send them.Prana-9 wrote:I was under the impression that results are known weeks in advance. Is that not true?lnh819 wrote:Just talked to Allison at the BLE. She claims the one v. two means nothing. This goes along with them claiming results are not finalized yet, so probably true.
Edit: Forgot to answer your question. No, I'm not speculating that they are testing the number of e-mails that can be sent to a person (if you can send one, it should be safe to assume you can send two). However, I am speculating that they were most likely testing the system and whether or not the e-mail could be sent and whether or not the e-mail would be received. It could also be a test to see whether or not we had our profile up-to-date (making sure the e-mail we have on file is still in use).