yeah that wanna be future thing just doesnt cut it. That and low row the hell do you not have a low row machine.pjo wrote:North Grounds Gym is right across from Darden. You actually have to pass it if you walk from Ivy to the law school. Originally, I thought the gym sucked (I still can't understand why they don't have a dual cable machine), but in actuality it's a pretty decent gym. You see TONs of people from the law school there, especially between 4 and 6, which can be a good or bad thing, depending on your take of things. They're open fairly late as well (I think 10 or 11 on the weekday). Their free weights go up to 120 I believe. They have two benches, and I want to say an additional 4 or 5 free weight benches. They have two racks, but one is a stationery rack.NoodleyOne wrote:1Ls still have hope, I am guessing...
Anyway, question. What is the closest gym to Jeffersonian/Law School? What type of shit do they have there? Free weights, machines, etc? Do they have an indoor pool? (I killed my knee and swimming makes it feel SOOO much better)
Right now, North Grounds Gym does not have a pool; however, they are currently building an addition onto the gym which will include pool. It should be completed by the time school starts next year.
Noodle: The gym has everything you need for lifting. Pool is at the AFC, which is like a 5 minute drive from the law school. I drive there to lift sometimes if I feel the need for low row machine or cables haha