The past couple years in a row they've taken almost nobody off the WL at all due to overenrollment. The yield (ratio of people who were offer admission and actually attended) kept going up each year, so they'd cut the number of admissions the next year and still end up overenrolled anyway. Each year they respond by cutting the number of acceptances offered again, and at some point the yield should stop going up, so they should start actually going to the WL again like they used to.DeeCee wrote:So I'm not sure if anyone really talks about this in your class, but would anyone know if a lot of incoming class members are chosen from the WL each year? I just got WL'ed at UVA and I'd really love to attend, however I am not sure if there will be much of a chance of me getting off the WL.
Schools actually prefer underenrollment to overenrollment since going under is easier to correct (by going to the WL). At some point they'll manage to cut their acceptances enough to get a decent class size but still need to go to the WL again, by design. The massive influx of people over the last couple years has just thrown everything off.