Dope, thanks!UVA2B wrote:What exactly do you want to know? There will be comparatively few alternative winter breaks (most are for Spring Break). They will be advertised via email as they're identified, and there will be firm deadlines for signing up for them. Most I've spoken to who have done them have really enjoyed them, and it can be a great way to knock out pro bono hours if you're planning on using PILA grant during the summer. But again, it'll take up a significant amount of time that you might end up needing for interviews, etc. Winter break really is your best opportunity to make headway on your summer employment because you'll have undivided time to send applications, respond to requests for interviews, and do research on what's available to you.SweetTort wrote:Do y'all know anything about alternative winter break?UVA2B wrote:Somewhat important to remember the break will likely be pretty stocked with interviews/networking events/decompressing from finals if you're doing it right, which should make you think twice about doing a J term course during 1L. There's nothing precluding you from doing it, but your time may be better served focusing on summer employment than getting that 1 credit B+ in the bank.Br3v wrote:Yeah. Assume you're getting a B+ (wider curves during J term) so plan accordinglySweetTort wrote:Can 1L's do J-term?
I realized recently that I'm more interested in PI than I originally thought, so I want to get some experience in it during 1L. Trying to figure out what's on/off the table for that first year.