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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by texasgirl22 » Mon May 31, 2010 7:33 pm

Georgiana wrote:
kurla88 wrote:
texasgirl22 wrote:Thanks for all of the help!

Could someone tell me how law review works?
You get on law review, and most of the secondary journals, via the write-on competition, which occurs a couple of days after your spring finals. There's the in-class portion, for which you basically spend two days doing bluebook citations locked in a room. Except that you're free to leave whenever and come back. ^.^ It's two days, ten hours each. There's basically an exaggeratedly bad article that you have to edit.

Once you turn that in, you get a take-home essay, for which you don't have to be in Philly at all. It's due like a week later, and doesn't have to be anything law related. They give you a bunch of random (like New Yorker etc) articles and stuff, and you just come up with a thesis and write a short essay. There's also a separate personal statement, for which most people seem to reuse their law school personal statement.

When you register for the write-on, you rank your journal choices in order. The exact selection process for the journals isn't open, but basically it's some combination of your grades and your write-on score, so at some point after spring grades come back, you'll hear which journal you got on.

Not something you need to be worrying about any time soon, though.
Just to expand a little on the grading end of things...

The law review is in charge of grading the essays and the editing. The personal statements are distributed to all journals and each grades them on their own. For the editing, they grade not only based on "correctness" but also the number of changes made.

The impact of each portion is set by each journal independently. The law review typically has the most intricate process. They take the top x portion of the class by grades and ensure that they are in the top x percentage of the writing competition (last year it was top 60% or something). Then they take the top x percentage of the writing competition and ensure that they are the top x percentage of the class by grades. Then there are people who make LR based on their personal statements (basically an excuse for AA/"diversity" in LR... sorry...).

The process is repeated for the other journals but generally they just do a percentage weight for each portion (essay, grades, editing, and PS) based on what they value most (for JIL this year I think we decided to weight the editing portion the most heavily because we EE's want good editors! haha).

Dean Clinton is the one who decides who goes to what journal. The journals don't see your grades and all writing comp grading is done by exam number.

Once you're on a journal you start with editing. You get an edit either electronically or on paper (LR does paper edits) and you fix the article. Then you repeat with another section etc and so forth. Law review puts out the most issues per year which is why they are the most work. The other thing you do with journals is write a comment. For some journals it is required and for others it isn't. Law review requires them. This is a 35-50 page paper on some current area of law based on your interests. If you do a really good job, you may get it published.

At the beginning of 2nd semester, board applications will go out and you can decide if you want to be on board during 3L.

If you have more questions let me know.

Can you give an estimate as to what class percentile you must occupy to get on law review? 25%? 50%? Thanks!


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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by texasgirl22 » Mon May 31, 2010 7:52 pm

oh..and what is a bluebook citation? just curious


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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by krj02004 » Mon May 31, 2010 9:05 pm

Georgiana wrote:
krj02004 wrote:How many "comments" are required per semester? Do you get any academic credit for being on a journal?
You write one comment total. Right now credit is given for being on journal. You get 1 credit for AE editing and 2 credits for writing a comment. If you decide to be on journal board, you get 3-5 credits depending on the position. If you stay on as a senior editor you get 1 credit. After next year (aka class of 2012), credit will not be given for journals. The administration has decided that they will lower the overall number of credits required but remove the credits for journal. This is similar to what other journals do, very few of them give credits for journal.
That sucks.

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by YCrevolution » Mon May 31, 2010 9:08 pm



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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by AdmitMePls » Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:27 am

how detrimental is it to miss class? i am definitely the type of student who goes to all of my classes, but I'm looking at the fall and realizing there are pretty much no 3 day weekends or days off. I was hoping to do a long weekend to visit my long distance bf at some how bad would it be to miss classes on Friday or Monday? I need to schedule the trip soon (I have a free flight that is about to expire), but I don't know if it's a safe idea to book something and assume it's okay to miss a Monday or Friday. Thanks!

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by kurla88 » Tue Jun 01, 2010 7:05 am

AdmitMePls wrote:how detrimental is it to miss class? i am definitely the type of student who goes to all of my classes, but I'm looking at the fall and realizing there are pretty much no 3 day weekends or days off. I was hoping to do a long weekend to visit my long distance bf at some how bad would it be to miss classes on Friday or Monday? I need to schedule the trip soon (I have a free flight that is about to expire), but I don't know if it's a safe idea to book something and assume it's okay to miss a Monday or Friday. Thanks!
It really depends on the class, some are more useful than others. But most professors record their lectures and make them available to students who excuse their absences beforehand. You can also always get notes from classmates. Missing one or two days of classes certainly won't destroy you. Just make sure you do the reading so you don't get left behind!


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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by AdmitMePls » Wed Jun 02, 2010 2:38 pm

Thanks! The calendar lists Sept 20th as a day with no classes, but then says "1L Professionalism Program classes" are scheduled for that day. Does that mean 1Ls don't get the day off? What are those classes?


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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by CCA » Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:46 pm

It was an alumni lunch with some speakers. I would have gone away that weekend had I known what it was in advance. Not everyone went, so you could skip it. There are many similar opportunities throughout the year without having to spend a full day.

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by kurla88 » Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:41 am

When did you find out about journals last year?

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by jms1987 » Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:59 am

How splitter friendly is Penn? According to LSP GPA calculator, the highest LSDAS GPA I can graduate with is a 3.3-3.4 (2.8 as of now :( ) Obviously it depends on the LSAT going well, but even then some schools are anti-splitter.


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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by rickstar » Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:26 pm

jms1987 wrote:How splitter friendly is Penn? According to LSP GPA calculator, the highest LSDAS GPA I can graduate with is a 3.3-3.4 (2.8 as of now :( ) Obviously it depends on the LSAT going well, but even then some schools are anti-splitter.
As far as I know, 3.3 - 3.4 can get the job done if you are 170+. 171+ to be safe (I got in with 171 and somewhere in the middle of 3.3-3.4)

I think Penn is fairly friendly to someone with these numbers, but you probably need to have a good soft in at least one of the following categories:
- significant and quality WE
- hard UG major (like engineering), and/or took a range of difficult UG courses to diversify your experience. People argue over whether prestige of UG institution matters. I'm pretty sure it matters a bit, but you can probably overcome a non-prestigious UG by having a challenging major.
- excellent public interest extracurriculars / volunteerism -- if you are coming straight out of UG, this could separate you from the pack, as Penn seems to be rather into this stuff.

If you are stuck with a low-170/3.3-3.4, getting some quality WE for a few years may be your best bet but I'm not sure how feasible that is in the current job market. If you go this route and wind up with a sketchy job, you could bolster your chances by getting involved in some kind of substantial, structured volunteerism in your community, from which you could squeeze out an extra recommendation letter.


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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by jms1987 » Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:34 pm

rickstar wrote:
jms1987 wrote:How splitter friendly is Penn? According to LSP GPA calculator, the highest LSDAS GPA I can graduate with is a 3.3-3.4 (2.8 as of now :( ) Obviously it depends on the LSAT going well, but even then some schools are anti-splitter.
As far as I know, 3.3 - 3.4 can get the job done if you are 170+. 171+ to be safe (I got in with 171 and somewhere in the middle of 3.3-3.4)

I think Penn is fairly friendly to someone with these numbers, but you probably need to have a good soft in at least one of the following categories:
- significant and quality WE
- hard UG major (like engineering), and/or took a range of difficult UG courses to diversify your experience. People argue over whether prestige of UG institution matters. I'm pretty sure it matters a bit, but you can probably overcome a non-prestigious UG by having a challenging major.
- excellent public interest extracurriculars / volunteerism -- if you are coming straight out of UG, this could separate you from the pack, as Penn seems to be rather into this stuff.

If you are stuck with a low-170/3.3-3.4, getting some quality WE for a few years may be your best bet but I'm not sure how feasible that is in the current job market. If you go this route and wind up with a sketchy job, you could bolster your chances by getting involved in some kind of substantial, structured volunteerism in your community, from which you could squeeze out an extra recommendation letter.
Thank you very much for the reply. I have no WE or a hard major (just a liblawl arts degree in progress) I plan on doing work in the community and some campaign volluntering soon, so maybe that will help some too.

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by DelDad » Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:56 pm

kurla88 wrote:When did you find out about journals last year?

JBL announced its new members on July 27 - I assume the other journals were around the same time.

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by Georgiana » Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:09 pm

kurla88 wrote:When did you find out about journals last year?
My notification process was a little different than most people's (due to no fault of my own) but I found out 7/24. Most people found out within a week of that date (most people a few days before).


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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by MeasuredOptimism » Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:51 pm

Do any of the current students know of anyone who transferred out of Penn? To where, and why, if you have any idea?

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by Georgiana » Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:41 pm

MeasuredOptimism wrote:Do any of the current students know of anyone who transferred out of Penn? To where, and why, if you have any idea?
HLS x 2... Both for personal-ish reasons (one for a fiance and the other for an academic program)
YLS x 2... One always had Yale envy and had her mind set on transferring, not sure about the other
CLS x 1... Personal reasons (fiance I think)
SLS x 1... Fiance
GLUC x 1... Wife and son


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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by myrockyourrock911 » Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:18 pm

Do you get the sense that many (more than 10-15%) of your classmates/former 3L's are being forced to take jobs at small law firms that they otherwise would not be interested in?
I'm not asking to be presumptuous/rude, I just want to get a better picture of employment opps.

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by Veyron » Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:47 pm

What cell carriers are best for philly? T mobile, Verizon, at&t? Feel free to rate voice and data separately if needed. Thks.

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by underachiever » Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:55 pm

Veyron wrote:What cell carriers are best for philly? T mobile, Verizon, at&t? Feel free to rate voice and data separately if needed. Thks.
I used sprint and it worked great. Roommate had AT&T and I never heard him complain either. Its a big city all phone companies work well there.

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by Georgiana » Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:32 pm

underachiever wrote:
Veyron wrote:What cell carriers are best for philly? T mobile, Verizon, at&t? Feel free to rate voice and data separately if needed. Thks.
I used sprint and it worked great. Roommate had AT&T and I never heard him complain either. Its a big city all phone companies work well there.
I have Verizon! Works well :)

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by Core » Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:13 pm

Penn advises us incoming students to buy a printer. Is this really necessary? Is printing widely available on campus?

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by DelDad » Thu Jun 10, 2010 12:45 pm

Printing is widely available on campus. Unless you live right near campus, being able to print at home will be a highly desirable option. I'd get one.

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by Georgiana » Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:41 pm

Core wrote:Penn advises us incoming students to buy a printer. Is this really necessary? Is printing widely available on campus?
I would get a printer just for convenience... in the long run it isnt expensive enough to justify not having one.

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by Core » Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:15 pm

Georgiana wrote:
Core wrote:Penn advises us incoming students to buy a printer. Is this really necessary? Is printing widely available on campus?
I would get a printer just for convenience... in the long run it isnt expensive enough to justify not having one.
Makes sense. Thanks.

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Re: Penn Students Taking Questions

Post by underachiever » Sun Jun 13, 2010 2:20 pm

Core wrote:
Georgiana wrote:
Core wrote:Penn advises us incoming students to buy a printer. Is this really necessary? Is printing widely available on campus?
I would get a printer just for convenience... in the long run it isnt expensive enough to justify not having one.
Makes sense. Thanks.
Im a cheap bastard and never had one...but im pretty sure 95% of 1Ls did

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