I agree with Georgiana to an extent -- I think people here are, overall, pretty biglaw-oriented. However, the extent of this does not seem to be any greater than what I see at peer schools. I think Penn gets a bit of a reputation as the place where everyone wants to go the biglaw route, and I don't think that's any more true here than it is elsewhere (with a few exceptions). I definitely know a decent number of people who want to do PI or government and, in all likeness, will stick to it because they chose to come to Penn because of scholarship money that would allow them to follow that path fairly easily. But, yes, overall, I think biglaw goals are more common.law_hippo wrote:Not to sidetrack this exchange, but...
How many people do you know that are hoping/planning on doing a clerkship after they graduate?
In general, do people most people tend to be biglaw oriented?
I think that the majority of us would like to do clerkships if we can and, as Georgiana said, will apply if we have the grades come next summer. Penn is really making a push to improve clerkship placement, and it looks like it has gone up a decent amount in the past few years. I think that, previously, we definitely had lower clerkship placement than CCN and probably M/V. There are some schools I suspect we will continue to lag behind but, at this point, I think clerkships are a realistic option so long as you end up with good-but-not-necessarily-amazing grades. This is, of course, just based on 3Ls I know, and I'm sure CP&P or Penn 3Ls around here could give more accurate estimates.
Looking at the list from last year, there was quite a range of schools that people transferred from. USNWR-wise, it looks like people mostly transferred from schools ranked in the 15-30 range, or from nearby schools ranked in the 50-70 range. I don't know about this year, but the two people I know who are transferring did 1L at schools in the former category. I think they are both around here, so perhaps they will stop by with more details!bmdubs wrote:Do you know any students that transferred into Penn/ what schools and stats they came from??